Science project


WiiChat Member
Dec 20, 2006
Hey. I know this is kinda way off topic from anything this site has to do with, but i couldnt find it anywhere on the net. So anyway can any1 tell me how to draw the lewis dot structure of platinum. I need it for a project due tomorrow. And dont say anything like add the electrons to 15s blah blah blah, cause i wont understand it (i probaly have somwhere between a 55 and 65 in science.. ya pretty sad lol) just tell me exactly wat to draw like where to put the dots and stuff. Need help asap plz.
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no syntax that for... i think cl is.. ah somthing (possibly chlorine... i think)... Pt is platinum
Dude aint it just like counting electrons then putting them in the right place. I would help but I learnt everything in Welsh so yeah.. don't think I'd be much help.
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ah ya i think it might be but i have no cluse how many electrons platinum has but like i said im basicly failing science. and the lewis dot structure is worth 10 points of the project so i dont wanna screw it up lol

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