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- Feb 7, 2007
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According to Nintendolife, they got lots of emails about people actually think they ARE Nintendo. Sorry if this message is long. These are too funny not to post.
A common reaction to emails
Ashes to oddball requests
You may have used the Contact form to appeal for a name change on the site, to alert us to an issue or just to start a conversation. These are all completely normal uses compared to some of the emails we get sent on a daily basis, mostly from users confusing us with Nintendo.
Below is just a small selection of some of the more memorable emails we've been sent over the past year or so. Names and details have been removed to protect the innocent.
Afram is a legend behind the scenes at Nintendo Life. His regular emails brighten up our days: every few weeks he emails to enquire about the status of one of his favourite titles. For a long time he favoured Blaster Master Overdrive; these days it's Turtles 2 and Batman for NES. Afram, we salute you, and thanks for inviting us to your Swedish language social networking sites. Sorry we didn't accept.
when turles 2 nes comming to eu
batman nes is comming to virtual console
when duck tales comming
blue shawdown ninja when they come
batman nes there is comming to virtual console
batman för nes when they come to virtual consoleAshes Cricket 2009
We receive more emails about this than any other game in history. Let's get this out of the way: you cannot buy Ashes Cricket 2009 for Wii outside of Europe, and if you live in an NTSC region this game will not work on your Wii unless you purchase an item such as a Wii Freeloader.
The Bizarre Remainder
Everything from emails about Chinese horsehair to soldiers wanting to play Frisbee golf. All in a day's work here at Nintendo Life.
1 Big problems
please help! big problems withe theretro wireless onsole that i purchaced this morning just cannot get it to connect with the wii i get as far as the menu and i get no further thanks2 We never saw that drawing
okay my name is (name removed) i have a suggestions on the nintendo wii.okay you guys have everything from tennis,mario cart.okay i for the bowling on the wii i was thinking. that yall should make a bowling pin. one size fit all. for the finger & have have a black spot for the singnal. also inside a bowling ball. it should have a holder for the wii control.& come in a variety of colors.. because people have different favor colors... if anything u can contact me on my e-mail..plenty more details to come with it but cant ex-plain but do have the drawing3 Cheats never prosper
To whom it may concern:4 I don't understand it
RE: Pokemon Rumble US
I was very disappointed to see that I could find only 15 cheat codes for the Pokemon Rumble US version. The Japanese edition has 30. I enjoy this game and would very much like to see more codes available on a website such Gamespot. Particularly Arcues and Regigigas.
Yours Truely,
(Name removed) (age 8)
I have a wii and a wii fit board but the orientation of the wii fit balance board has now changed. If I lean forward it shows me leaning back and likewise if you lean left it shows you leaning right.And our response:
How do I correct this fully so it works correctly?
I hope you can help me with this as I have looked at just about every forum.
Many thank.
Hey,5 Very Important Matters
We suggest you turn the board 180 degrees.
Thank you,
please make the disc golf game soon so i can get it for my wii before my next deployment to afghanistan6 Horsey
Dear sirs,7 Birthday boy (or girl)
Glad to send you this email.
We are a leading exporter and processer of horse hair and related products in China.And we have done business in this line for many years and got good reputation for this.
We are here want to know whether you have any requirement for the horse hair for your brush
Hello to everyone there at Nintendo!! I was just going to say that my birthday is Friday, August 6, and I wondering if you could release some news about The Legend of Zelda for the best birthday present ever!!! The Legend of Zelda is my favorite series from any game, and I think it would be really awesome if you said something about it, because every time I come on Nintendo Life and I see a post about The Legend of Zelda, I start to get really excited. If you can't post anything yet, I completely understand. Thanks for taking the time to read this e-mail!!8 More Zelda brilliance
Dear Nintendo, I am a huge fan of all of your products. My favorite game series is The Legend of Zelda. I know that you are being persuaded to making a movie for the series, and I do understand why you are to decline of this request. However, even though I would enjoy witnessing a Legend of Zelda movie, I truly request to make a book for each game. Honestly, it is hard for me to understand the Zelda timeline, and why each game exists. Many of the people that I know have tried to describe what each game is about, and I only know a small amount. For example, I do know that The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is about how a boy created a mask filled with hatred, and when put upon a face, it can get inside your head and discover the host's worst nightmares and deepest secrets, making them live with it as long as they have it. Also, in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, I know that the princess of Twili is cursed to look as a beast, and hide as a shadow. Twilight Princess is my favorite one and I would truly love to understand everything. What I stated above is a small portion of what I know and understand, but I really don't know much more. I feel that with a book in my hand, I could comprehend with all the events that I did not distinguish previously. Thank you for your time to read of my opinions on the situation.9 Monkeys are not people
Dear people behind Nintendo,10 Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic an Answer
I am shocked to discover that a game about a pet monkey game has been made. I think that it is extremely inappropriate to teach kids that it is fun to have a pet monkey, to dress it up and to feed it human food. Primates are not suitable as pets, they cannot live on human food and they do not need dressing up! In the real 'pet monkey' world babies are taken away from their mums at a very early age and they suffer from this sepsration. Most primates are very sociable creatures who need to live with conspecifics, not with people. It happens very often that, in order to be able to control adult primates as pets, they have their teeth removed, is that in included in your game as well? I don't understand why you would ever teach kids from an early age that it is "fun" to have monkey? Did you have any thoughts at all about this game before you made it? How about making a game which is about saving primates from extinction?
Kind regards
(Name removed)
I can't find new DS PIC PIC so I need buy 2 pic pic, pls let me know where shop but I went to Games shop but they said have no PIC PIC. I have been try find anyshop but shop have no it. Thanks11 Go on then!
i want to play super smash bros 6412 Call 1986, see if they can help
Need phone number to get walk-thru or game tips from NES / its important to me?13 No
Could you please send a Nintendo catalog to:14 No idea
Address removed
Thank you.
P.S.: If you do not have a catalog, please tell me where I can get one, if they want to sell a lot of games.
I want to comment on the topics in the magazine. Like the one that says 7 out of 10 play nintendo ds more at home than away , that one was in the august issue. I want to comment on the ones for sept issue. I can't find where I do that, can you tell me where? thanks also I would like to know when Farmatopia ds and the dollhouse ds are coming out? My niece has been waiting for dollhouse since March when it was supposed to be out. thanks15 Don't blame us sunshine!
why did you discontinue the gameboy line????????????????!!!!!!!!!! You guys had it all in the 80s 90s and all the way up to 2006 I believe. The gameboy wos the most success in handhelds the gameboy, gameboy poket,color, and if you throw in the advance thats 20 million!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16 Nice try
i got a gameboy in 2005 and it still works. i got a psp in 07 and it died already.
What did you decide that the ds would just be better than the gameboy. Well it is but still you cant just kill it off like that. where would you bee without the nes or gameboy that sparked it all. This year I bought an original gameboy. "the brick" 1989 it still runs fine. You didnt need to kill it you needed to update it. You guys have had your ups and downs like the hugs success that is the nes to the crash and burn of the virtual boy. But the biggest mistake you made !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAS KILLING THE FREAKING GAME BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
REALLY I BOUGHT AN ORIGINAL OFF OF MY FRIEND FOR 1 DOLLER. 1 NOT 100 FOR WHAT IT SOLD FOR. YESTERDAY AT A YARDSALE I BOUGHT AN ADVANCE FOR $2.50 WITH 4 GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!! you killed the biggest success in handhelds in the HISTORY OF VIDEOGAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You cant just do that that was my faveorite handheld. I have a snes,gamecube,n64,a crap load of nes games,gameboy,ds,wii. i also have a broken psp,ps2 a slim ps2,barely working ps1 and a defective xbox 360. What does that have to say aboyt sony and microsoft Then again what does that have to say about YOU killing off the best hand held line in history and you make the best and most durrible sysyems EVER. You just cant do that. It just isnt right. But what im trying to get at is just one word "?why?" Just because Kinami died doesnt mean that the gameboy had to go down with him. You didnt need to kill it off you could try to bring it back. It isnt to late. It shoud have!
a slot to play all the old games and a new slot for better games or something. It was my faveorite system and it still is. All im trying to say is try to bring it back.
i want you to send me games plz if want to send the games to send it my school address this is my school address......(address removed).........this is the box......97917 Halo fans unite!
Can we get a refund for Rabbids go home earmarked as age 7+? Totally inappropriate for my granddaughter!!! Game station advised us to contact you. Please advise asap. Kind regards19 Pokémon Fiend
what are wii points or what ever and how do i get pokemon ranch cause i just want a mew in soul silver!!!!!! so yeah help me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please please i beg of you i have every single vershion!!!!! and out of them all no mew please please please help meeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I NEEEEED MEW!!! TO LIVE HELP HELP HELP ME!!!!20 This one's from an evil scientist's laboratory
I would like to talk to someone regarding hooking up several machines so that they can operate as an arcade in a given location. A response is appreciated.21 Mahjong Madness
Hi; I had Shanghai 11 Dragons Eye on my old computer ,(the one with the flags and fantasy, etc). I need to buy a disk of this that is compatable with Windows 7 for my new computer. I can't stand being without my Mah Jongg. I am a senior citizen and have spent many a pleasant hour with Mah Jongg. Please tell me how to order it and the info I need. thanks,22 Shanghai sadness
(Name and address removed)
got new computer windows 7 cant download my favorite shanghai dragons eye do you have a newer version for windows 7 thanks23 Mahjong Madness: The Sequel
There was a funtown mahjong for download ds about two years ago. I cannot find it for download. It is real mahjong game not simple matching game. Please help to locate it so I can download. I may the name wrong....24 Baby crazy
ih i am a pregnat women and i like doing a good woker out can u plz do a new game 4 pregant women cos i is good also good 2 do i little woker out 2 thank u25 Rookie error
i am new at this site and i heard a lot of good things about it but i don't know how to play the games on this site26 It's called a what?
hey dont know if you guys know, but have you heard of the 3DS? You guys probably have, but just in case27 We tried, but it didn't turn out
can you email a picture of the wii virtial console please?28 Thanks. See you online sometime.
my ssbb friend code is (number removed)29 Carol Vorderman had it, last time we heard
Been playing for 27 hours and still can't fimd countdown lure can you help...........30 Nope, we're still testing it.
i have sent you a wii remote to check out for me and was expecting it back by now. can you let me know the current situation.31 A message from a long-lost favourite user
Amazon ref: (removed)
Hey, I know what you're thinking now: Second-hand smoke affects people around you. Don't worry I'll go outside to smoke.![]()
Anyways, I'm requesting you, NintendoLife people to answer a long standing myth: Does (username removed) full-fill all your expectations of a productive, exemplary example of a NintendoLife citizen? Well, can he continue his rampage of bewilderingly astonishing posts and topics?
And maybe more importantly, will you allow such a thing to transpire in the midst of 3DS news? (XD)
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