Scary Movies

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  • #62
Damn, I watched it last night and I could've sworn it was 5. Lawl'd at Leprechaun in the Hood.
LevesqueIsKing said:
Damn, I watched it last night and I could've sworn it was 5. Lawl'd at Leprechaun in the Hood.

Hahaha, that OK, like I said, they all sort of run together - the ORIGINAL was on last night, holy crap is it bad, I mean so bad it's good kind of bad :D
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  • #66
[DT] said:
Hahaha, that OK, like I said, they all sort of run together - the ORIGINAL was on last night, holy crap is it bad, I mean so bad it's good kind of bad :D
Yeah, man, I saw the end of it. Was that the one w/ Jennifer Aniston and the four leaf clover? It was on right before Leprechaun in Space. The Leprechaun had a freaking lightsaber xD
Yeah, JA, she looked like she was 18 (and totally 80's out). I caught the scene in the hospital where he's chasing her in a wheelchair and it's sped up 10X, hahaha! And when the wheel chair takes a corner it makes this loud tire screeching sound, wow, hahaha!!

At least they weren't trying to be totally serious.
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  • #68
^ahahaha, that scene was awsome. So was the end where the guy has blood all over him and a big hole in his stomach but he's laughing and cracking jokes with all of them.
LevesqueIsKing said:
I don't blame you for being scared of spiders in australia. Whats the biggest one you've ever seen?

The big ones are bad, but it's the ones that you KNOW are poisonous that scare the hell out of you. Exhibit A: The Redback. Location: My backyard.


Oh, and once when I was walking to school I felt a pain in my big toe. I thought something had gotten in my shoe. When I got to school I took my shoe off to get this gumnut or whatever it was out. Exhibit B:


Now these spiders ARE big. It was in my shoe and when I took my shoe off it clung to my sock, then climbed up my leg. It was scary. I shook it off, but I was still a little shaken ('scuse the pun).

I don't like spiders.
I've watched scary movies since I was 5. My sister used to make me watch them with her then lock me in her room and turn out the lights. Now I love scary movies im watching halloween h20 right now. I love feeling you get when your scared :D. Most movies don't scare me though.
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  • #75
If you think those are bad, check these out:

Spiders in Iraq
These Spiders run 10 mph, jump three feet and are nocturnal, so only come out at night unless they are in shade - Nice !!! When they bite, you are injected with Novocain so your skin is 'numbed' instantly. You don't even know you've been bitten when you're sleeping, so you wake up with part of your leg or arm missing because it's been gnawing on it all night long.

If you are walking around and you bump something that is casting a shadow over it, and the sun makes contact with it, you better run. It will instantly run for your shadow....and scream the whole time it's chasing you.

PS. The one on the bottom is eating the one on the top. These are Spiders found daily in IRAQ by troops. Imagine waking up and seeing one of these in your tent!!


They will chase you to get under your shadow, and its been said that when they run they sound like a child screaming.

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