Scary Movies

f you ever want to see a movie in the sub-genre, check out 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' - while it has some focus on the courtroom drama (which is really well done), there are a couple of really chilling moments (the exorcism moment in the barn, "I am ...." with the perfect light effects for those that have seen it).

Have you seen 'The Sixth Sense'? Beautiful piece of film making (even with the "horror" overtones) - the highpoint in Shamalamadingdong's career.

nah i seriously cant >_< id probably be emotionless for a day or two if i ever got through those>_>.
I love horror movies, especially when i'm up alone at midnight. The only movies to creep me out late at night, are Dead End (that black hearse just gives me nightmares) , The Exorcist, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original one from the 70's).

However, playing BioShock alone at midnight is some scary ****. Creeped me out so much one time, i actually had to put the controller down and say "Man, this is too much.. I'm gonna do this in the morning instead." :lol:
[DT] said:
Can't sleep, clown will eat me ... Can't sleep, clown will eat me ...



My greatest fear is spiders, I am absolutely terrified of them, now even thinking about it I am anxious..
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Cpt.McCloud said:
That movie wasnt to scary for me except two major factors...I have a strong arachnophobia and Clowns aint exactly my favourite thing...
I absolutely love spider movies, except most of them are ruined by their unrealism, which is a shame. Clowns don't bother me either, I never really understood how people could be afraid of them, but whatever. I guess it all evens out in the long run?

The latest scary movie I've watched was Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the remake) and that scared the **** out of me because it seemed so real. My relatives (both sides) live far out in the country, and it seemed so perfect in the sense that this could be happening somewhere right now, which freaks me out.

Where does that match up compared to SAW, The Grudge, The Ring, etc. (praying that its not the least scary :lol: :scared:)?
i made a similar thread about this :) ill post my OP here lol it lists all of my horror films iv ever seen
I have problems watching scary movies too. when i was younger, my dad really teased and scared me for his own personal fun. For instance, when i was younger, he'd come in my room acting like a zombie, another time my mom had to go out somewhere and my dad had to watch me, so he'd go hide somewhere in the house so i'd have to run around looking for him. There was a lot more but thats all I can think of off the top of my head. Those sorta things I mentioned were really scary for a 5-8 year old.

Nowadays, i still really hate scary movies. although in the case of a movie theater, ill go watch as long as i have a "scream buddy" to grapple onto and scream with :lol:
Not more scary for no apparent reason on a saturday morning at around 6:45 mother jumps in your room and starts singing (screaming pretty much) a random jolly song:sick:

It scared the living daylights out of me...
This is the OP from my horror film thread

Im a huge fan of the horror genre, be it books games films programmes, and about 2 hours ago i went to see a film 1408 and i found it scary and i mean that iv not jumped, like that, or been scared like that in a long time, and dont call me a wimp iv seen my fair share of horrors, (listed below are some of them)

silence of the lambs, hanibal lecter, red dragon, scream 1,2 and 3, no vacancy, broken, halloween, halloween H20, Halloween resurection, when a stranger calls, 28 days later, 28 weeks later, final destination 1,2 n 3, hostel part 1, land of the dead, dawn of the dead, saw 1,2 n 3, the decent, alien, aliens, alien 3, alien resurection, texas chainsaw masacre (new and old), and texas chainsaw massacre 2, Excorcist 1 n 2, valentine, house on haunted hill, thirteen ghosts, the haunting, Friday the thirteenth (no idea which ones there is like a million lol), ghost tunnel, shallow ground, blair witch project, amityville horror, an american haunting, the omen 666, the hollow man, aracnaphobia, house of wax, cry wolf, Dead End, Dog soldiers, the covenant, i know what you did last summer, i still know what you did last summer, the grudge, the grudge 2, hide and seek, childs play 1,2,3, bride of chucky, dark water, slither, silent hill, resident evil 1 n 2, snakes on a plane, ghost ship, alien vs predator, predator, boogey man, the ring 1 n 2, the fog, the skeleton key, the devils rejects, wolf creek, Jeepers creepers 1 n 2, Creep, candy man 1 n 2, Long time dead, what lies beneath, Reeker, And most likely some more

some new ones, the reaping, black christmans, resident evil 3, black sheep, stay alive, dead end, texas chainsaw masacre, the begining

so as you can see iv seen more than my fair share of horrors and i have been watching horrors since i was 8 when i first watched Scream, i never watched a horror for nearly 4 years because of that but now im like the horrors biggest fan as you can tell from all the films above (if you bothered to read them all) and well i would like to know people opinions on two things,

horror genre in general
the film 1408


so who likes my list lol
Black Sheep as a horror film...FTW!
its in the horror genre, whether or not its scary its classed as a horror,
what im saying is i dont find them scary but they are horrors
daviduk200 said:
its in the horror genre, whether or not its scary its classed as a horror,
what im saying is i dont find them scary but they are horrors

Black sheep is a comedy is it not?

This forum just reminds me of how girly you men are...

Clowns, what the hell!? I've never understood that fear at all, it's a person with makeup on, you may as well just be afraid of women.

...But spiders scare the **** out of me.

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