Scary Movies

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  • #93
^lol, mowing the lawn at night.
LevesqueIsKing said:
^Just be sure to remember this the next time you play ping pong:

*flips pingpong padle over and squashes spider*
*turns away as if nothing happened*
just recently did spiders start to scare me. I was at my desk as i am now, and this spider was hanging from the ceiling on a web right on top of my monitor. i killed it, but for reasons i dont understand, it just freaked me out. now im scared of em. oh well.

i was at a haunted house today funded and made by a local highschool. When i got there, i thought about this thread:lol: . it was awesome btw. They had people lying on tables all bloody and they were sorta imitating torture. me and my friend were laughing so hard at some of the things in there. one of my friends started crying, another clung to her boyfriend like glue, and another didnt go in:lol:
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^haha, sounds fun.

And on a side note: W00T someone thought of this thread!!!!11eleven1
Can we stop posting spider pictures?

I'm on the verge of suicide if I see one more spider here...

Im feelin' really anxious right about now...

(I have wayyy to many fears....Heights, Claustrophobic, arachnophobia etc. etc.)
Cpt.McCloud said:
Can we stop posting spider pictures?

I'm on the verge of suicide if I see one more spider here...

Im feelin' really anxious right about now...

(I have wayyy to many fears....Heights, Claustrophobic, arachnophobia etc. etc.)

lol i havea huge fear of open space(they made fun of it on corner gas, my favourite show:(, of how lame of a fear that is, worse that the fear of balloons)

but on topic, leve, can you watch movies like the condemned?

try watching that

and wario- lion gates is really good imo, i liked the condemned and saw

and dr.mario- the ring is the only movie that i've ever been scared of lol, i don't see why everyone says it's not scary, yet think texas chainsaw massacre is........
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I dont mind ballons but more recently are seeming to be getting a lot less appealing to me:scared:

Give it a year and I will have a fear of ballons >.<

Open space doesnt bother me, unless it is really crowded...I hate that...:scared:
Cpt.McCloud said:
Can we stop posting spider pictures?

I'm on the verge of suicide if I see one more spider here...

Im feelin' really anxious right about now...

(I have wayyy to many fears....Heights, Claustrophobic, arachnophobia etc. etc.)

Pull yourself together, man! When are you going to drop!?
Frogger said:
Pull yourself together, man! When are you going to drop!?

I need a shower...

I am feelin' anxious in my room as it is:scared:

Might tidy a bit and open some windows.
what a masoquist, just don't look at the thread anymore, Cap'n! as easy as that.

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