Scary Movies

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  • #46
^Actually, Its Leprechaun 5 In Space.

Brawny said:
Lol.....the small ones are the ones with the most poison.....

I was freaked out in Wizard of Oz as a kid when you see the guy who hung himself during shooting.

I just find the fact that you want to be a wrestler hilariously ironic.
Wrestlers can't be afraid of scary movies? :shocked: And yes, Frogger is somewhat correct.

Arachnophobia? I've never heard of it but I'm going to search it on Tivo. Good spider movies are hard to find, now I've got something to watch in the near future :yesnod:
yeah watch that movie called "Eight Legged Freaks" you'll get scared outta your socks.
Frogger said:
The big kind.

...And that was not directed at you, it was directed at Jam. But... You're another clown guy? Ahaha... But why?
who said i was a clown guy?

im saying that is was the only horror movie i liked and is the best from my point of veiw and from the other movies i see now are do you say?....not good

and the big mean tarantulas?
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  • #49
^Tarantulas are pretty slow, to my knowledge. They wouldn't be much of a threat to someone unless they were already on you.

Axtlar: lol, I have that movie and it doesn't scare me the least bit. Only scary movies with humans as the antagonist (scarer) scare me...
Nooo, I mean, like, anything the size of a jam jar lid or something, euhh.

Levy, it took you some balls to create this thread, I'm taking my hat off to you for getting all of these guys to admit they're sissies. Everyone seemed to be waiting for this thread, but you're the only one who had the guts to post it. =P
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  • #51
^haha, thanks. No one talks about these kinds of things, and I hate it when that happens.
Frogger said:
Nooo, I mean, like, anything the size of a jam jar lid or something, euhh.

Levy, it took you some balls to create this thread, I'm taking my hat off to you for getting all of these guys to admit they're sissies. Everyone seemed to be waiting for this thread, but you're the only one who had the guts to post it. =P
im a sissy?.......-_-
Lol, I totally forgot about the Dumbo thing.....and I agree 100%

Because getting beaten up in RL should be scarier than a FAKE movie..... that is the irony.
wario2ooo said:
im a sissy?.......-_-

You're scared of clowns. That's taking sissy to a new level.

I was ACTUALLY going to post this thread that day but, I'm surprised someone got there before me.

And get yourself back on MSN, Adam.
LevesqueIsKing said:
^Tarantulas are pretty slow, to my knowledge. They wouldn't be much of a threat to someone unless they were already on you.

Axtlar: lol, I have that movie and it doesn't scare me the least bit. Only scary movies with humans as the antagonist (scarer) scare me...

lol I know I was just kidding, hey you know there's a movie called "The Skeleton Key" that one's interesting, the antagonists win at the end, it's something rare in movies, it's a horror movie as well, and it hints at a sequel...Just the other day I watched Silent Hill, the creatures in there will truly freak you out.

And, Frogger, trust me I don't get freaked or scared often, not with movies at least...whales must be only thing that scares me..
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  • #56
Brawny said:
Lol, I totally forgot about the Dumbo thing.....and I agree 100%

Because getting beaten up in RL should be scarier than a FAKE movie..... that is the irony.
eh...its acting

LevesqueIsKing said:
The latest scary movie I've watched was Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the remake) and that scared the **** out of me because it seemed so real. My relatives (both sides) live far out in the country, and it seemed so perfect in the sense that this could be happening somewhere right now, which freaks me out.

Where does that match up compared to SAW, The Grudge, The Ring, etc. (praying that its not the least scary :lol: :scared:)?

That movie freaked me out too. It's scarier than The Grudge and The Ring, I can't really compare it to Saw. Two VERY different types of movies. Saw will play with your mind a lot, whereas in the TCM people are actually getting carved up.

I used to suffer arachnophobia (it's very easy to be scared of spiders in Australia), but I think I'm over it now. Eight Legged Freaks was a joke of a movie. So unrealistic. Waste of money. I watched it when I was young AND when I was suffering from arachnophobia but it still didn't scare me in the slightest.

Movies like Van Helsing might be good to watch too. They have a few scary (jumpy) moments, but aren't horror films. Also, lead actor = Australian.
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  • #58
Really? TCM is up there? Sweet, I feel better about myself now. Still don't know if I'll ever watch The Grudge (kid meowing in the corner of the room? ****) or The Ring (will never answer the phone ever again).
My favorite part of TCM was when they cut that guys leg off and accidentally cut a slice in the other one, so the guys like "What kind of a job is that? You better clean that up!" So he cuts off his other leg. xD I was laughing and scared outta my mind at the same time.

I don't blame you for being scared of spiders in australia. Whats the biggest one you've ever seen?
Frogger said:
You're scared of clowns. That's taking sissy to a new level.

I was ACTUALLY going to post this thread that day but, I'm surprised someone got there before me.

And get yourself back on MSN, Adam.


i thought i just told you i wasnt afraid of clowns........and im not a clown guy


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