ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

//_T dam i dont hav 5$ to get subway.........hmmmm*starts to think of an idea* i got it !!!! ill sell lemonade!!!
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  • #603
*gives night a $5* there ya go night it's on me don't worry bout it ^_^

Post in Realms dude, we r lacking your character's inolvement!

this thread seems so....pointless....
Sweet //_^ u want half of it ninja?

@storm ; iam sorry but iam trying to think whats going to happen next its so confuseing plus it dont help that ive been snowbording for the last 4 days (which is better than the thread sorry)
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now that we all have subway, i will now call this court break ended.

Night:"Your honer i call ibu8 to the stand!"
people in the court room: *GASP!*
Night: "mr. ibu8 if that is ur real name!, where were u on the day of the day?!?!?!?"
"Objection Your Honor! He's leading my client! And why didn't I get any Subway?"
Judge Shadow: "OVERRULED. And you didn't get subway because I ran out of money."
*chomps on my ham&cheese sub*
"Anyways...the defendent must answer the question. Mr. lbu, where were you on the day of the day?"
"Objection your Honor! My client is currently offline! I request a reschedualing of this case!"
Objection to your objection to my objection!!!!1!!one!!!

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