ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

Knuckles seeing this gathered his power and released Sonic and Shadow.

"Shadow!" said Knuckles. "Only you can do this, you know what to do!"

"Right!" Exclaimed Shadow as he gathered the Chaos Emerald. With all his might he let out a scream. He charged up to his full power and became Hyper Shadow. With his fur glowing, changing colors, the colors of the Chaos Emeralds, he flew to the sky.

This will require every ounce of energy I have! CHAOS CONTROL!!!!

As Hyper Shadow yelled, time reversed to a split second before the explosion.
"I got it!" exclaimed the now Hyper Sonic as he teleported to the soon-to-explode MechaChaosLizard.

He then teleported to the far reaches of space where the explosion could do no harm.

dude...i already exploded...and knux was trapped inside...

technically he couldn't have blown up in the first place...
An explosion of that size would originate from the creatures Chaos Energy, which is canceled out since Knuckles was inside the monster and hes a living Master Emerald
but i didnt say it originated from that...and that would be considered godmodding, having your guy as an invincible creature that completely cancels everything on my creature?
and when yours dies so does eveerything else...
but i didnt say that, just said huge crater and my thing died, leaving your life or death thing up to you.
*looks at WiiNinja*

You seem down. Theres only one thing to do at times like these. Fight! But I aint doin it. My pal Zangief here is!
*points to Zangief*

(In a deep, Russian accent)"Hello comrade! I cheer you up in no times!"

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