ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

Chaos Lizard reared back, roared, and slammmed the ground, setting off an earthquake, and at the ame time, it created a tidal surge that loomed above the battlefield, continuing to build and finally crashing towards Super Sonic, along with destroying all buildings in his path.
Super Sonic teleported with Chaos Control and thought.

'Man, this don't look good! If I don't do some...'

"Looks like you're in over your head." Said Shadow.

Sonic didn't hesitate to lend his chaos energy to Shadow.

Shadow burst into his super form, glowing golden like Sonic.

"Alright Sonic, lets show this PITIFUL excuse of a final boss what we can do!!!"

They charged forward at light speed
Super Sonic teleported with Chaos Control and thought.

'Man, this don't look good! If I don't do some...'

"Looks like you're in over your head." Said Shadow.

Sonic didn't hesitate to lend his chaos energy to Shadow.

Shadow burst into his super form, glowing golden like Sonic.

"Alright Sonic, lets show this PITIFUL excuse of a final boss what we can do!!!"

They charged forward at light speed

Chaos Lizard roared, and his entire body exuded a purple blast, knocking any remaining buildings to the ground. Then, hundreds of small red balls appeared around Chaos Lizard, and then three tornados spawned from the surface of the water. The tornados greww bigger, and bigger, and the balls swirled, and then the creature fired several lasers plus a Chaos beam from his mouth at the two heroes!

At the same time, Metal Sonic appeared, and fused with the Chaos Lizard again. It was terrifying, and gave birth to a new more powerful metal terror.

Ultimate Metal Chaos Lizard!
comes out of nowhere and kicks Ultimate Metal Chaos Lizard in the face then flys aways
Sonic:"This has gone on long enough Rover!"

Shadow:"Its time we end this!"

Sonic charges his super energy and fires his Sonic Boom Cannon While Shadow fires his Chaos Buster
Ultimate Metal Chaos Lizard rears back from the attacks, but quickly regenerates. His mouth opens wide, and blasts energy at super sonics face.

Ooc: Shadow! you gotta post in Realms!
Sonic and Shadow go down hard. As they are covered in rubble, Knuckles the Echidna stares at his fallen friends. He quickly runs over to the Master Emerald to begin his chant.

"The servers are the seven chaos. Chaos is power, power enriched by the heart. The controler is the one who unifies the chaos."

The Master Emerald vaporizes into a green light and unifies with Knuckles. After a burst of light, Knuckles can be seen again, but his fur now green and glowing as energy surrounds him. He is enfused with the Master Emerald, making him Chaos Knuckles. The Master Emerald has infinant and perpetual energy, also the polar opposite of the energy of the Chaos Emerald giving the Master Emerald the ability to cancle out and stop the Chaos energy. Knux is now a living Master Emerald, making him more powerful than that of Hyper Sonic!

"You will pay the price for what you have done! Now witness the ancient power of my people!!!"
holy **** Bodine...that was badass...

Eggman flies over in his Egg Carrier and launches electrobeams that bind sonic and shadow while UMLC attacks Chaos Kux
Chaos Knuckles teleports in front of MetaChaosLizard and flies straight into its mouth. On the inside of its stomach he starts causing massive damage.

UMLC cried in pain, he couldnt stop Kux from bashing his insides. There was only one thing to do.

UMLC roared, and his body erupted in fire and flaes. Lava poured from his mouth, and the universe shuddered as his body Exploded. Flames and ash and poisonous gas flew everywhere, and Knux was trapped inside his erupting body. Smoke blocked out the sun as UMLC's body exploded a second time, causing cataclysmic damage.

From space, ithe sight was as follows. There was a crater the size of Rusia in the planet.
Knuckles seeing this gathered his power and released Sonic and Shadow.

"Shadow!" said Knuckles. "Only you can do this, you know what to do!"

"Right!" Exclaimed Shadow as he gathered the Chaos Emerald. With all his might he let out a scream. He charged up to his full power and became Hyper Shadow. With his fur glowing, changing colors, the colors of the Chaos Emeralds, he flew to the sky.

This will require every ounce of energy I have! CHAOS CONTROL!!!!

As Hyper Shadow yelled, time reversed to a split second before the explosion.
"I got it!" exclaimed the now Hyper Sonic as he teleported to the soon-to-explode MechaChaosLizard.

He then teleported to the far reaches of space where the explosion could do no harm.
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*jumps out of a tree* Ummmm what the hell is going on here???????????

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