Rate the last movie you saw

I Am Legend - 7/10.

I've seen it before a while ago but just thought I'd watch it again. Pretty enjoyable, some good scenes but there's a couple of things that annoy me - like the 'undead'. They weren't believable enough for me. Still, it's a good film.

American Gangster - 8.5/10.

Long, but a good story. Somewhat of a typical gangster movie overall, which is just an observation, not a criticism. Nicely played roles.
The Onion News 9/10
Damm thats one of the funnest movies iv seen.
Go watch it if you havent!
Contact: 5/10.

Couldn't hold my attention in the least bit.

American Gangster (Nice, Lew): 8.5/10. Good acting, as Lewi said, typical story and whatnot, but worth the watch. Predictable ending.
X-Men - 7.5/10.

Seen it before, but it was decent, the fact that it's X-Men makes it good like. Just annoys me the way they set films up for a second one without even blatantly finishing at a point. Also, Anna Paquin and Famke Janssen are hot.

Hitman - 7.5/10.

Again, seen it before so knew it was decent. Love the game, love the role, so I was always going to enjoy it. Some good action. Plus you can't go wrong with a bit of Olga Kurylenko.

On a general movie note: it's funny seeing characters from Lost appear all over the place in films that were made before Lost. Jin was in Hulk that I watched the other day, and Desmond was in Hitman just then.
Bruno - 9/10

One of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Only reason it doesn't get a 10 is because it is just disgusting at some points.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - 7/10.

Obviously, incomparable to the book. It gives a good sense of fantasy though by visually seeing everything you imagined, even if it's not quite the same.
Alien Resurrection 3/5
Its ok but the first few are the best