Rate the last movie you saw

Maleficent - 6/10

Personally would not buy or watch again. Definitely made for the kiddies/Disney people. Saw it for A.J. Her acting in this wasn't superior as other movies, but meh. Movie plot spins a different tale than the old lore did. Really could've gone more in-depth but cuts quite a bit of information out (I know movies always do this). There are NO big number where people sing or break out in songs in this one. Little bits of humor here and there.

No, I'm not very fun to watch movies (that aren't anime) with. Few exceptions though.
Maleficent - 6/10
Personally would not buy or watch again. Definitely made for the kiddies/Disney people. Saw it for A.J. Her acting in this wasn't superior as other movies, but meh. Movie plot spins a different tale than the old lore did. Really could've gone more in-depth but cuts quite a bit of information out (I know movies always do this). There are NO big number where people sing or break out in songs in this one. Little bits of humor here and there.
No, I'm not very fun to watch movies (that aren't anime) with. Few exceptions though.

This movie looked like it sucked just by the trailers.. Interesting though that a villain was the main character. I think sony is going to do this with venom.
JFK= 7.9/10

Well-calibrated Performances (even it's All-Star cast), Oliver Stone as director, Close to be of what happened, and Gary Oldman as Lee Harvey Oswald. What's not to love?
Star Wars: Episode VII - I'd give it a 3 out of 10

The story was a poorly rewritten episode IV script. None of the villains were even slightly interesting. For all the talk about not using much CGI,.. the majority was CGI and it was poorly done. The film looked dull and not sharp at all. It defiantly doesn't fit in with the rest of the series visually or story wise.

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