Rate the last movie you saw

harry potter 6-9/10 it was awesome liked it more that the rest of the movies and it was the only one that actually made me excited for the next movie. cant wait for harry potter 7.
Harry Potter and the HBP: 6.5/10

Wasn't as great as I thought it would be. It was a decent depiction of the book, but I feel they left a lot out. The ending also felt rushed.
ice age 3 - even when high and watching in 3d this thing was terrible
Bill and Teds Excellent adventure

5/5 - A all time classic
If you have'nt seen it buy it and watch it
Fast & Furious - 7/10.

Was alright. Not enough flat out car racing for me like, was hoping for more over-the-top races like the other ones, but oh well. Michelle Rodriguez annoys the **** out of me in every thing that she's in. Jordana Brewster is pretty hot though, as is Gisele Harabo.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - 7/10.

Different to the first two, as it was more of a story-filler setting things up for the rest. The first two were very independent, but in this one not much happened apart from introducing a few things. I enjoyed it though, I couldn't really remember what happened properly, and I can't remember what bits were cut out, so it was good!
Bruno - 3/5 Borat was funny this isn't as funny.

The major lols kinda stopped from me about twenty minutes in
Team America: World Police - 8/10.

Lmfao. That is all.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - 8/10.

Best one so far, had more in it as a movie, like things toying with your emotions. Also, in which one can I start thinking I wouldn't mind banging Hermione without being sentenced to death? Also, the birds from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic are hot.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - 8/10.

Best one so far, had more in it as a movie, like things toying with your emotions. Also, in which one can I start thinking I wouldn't mind banging Hermione without being sentenced to death? Also, the birds from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic are hot.

Haha i agree tho :p

Deathrow 6/10
Pretty much what i expected it to be.
Still i didnt see the ending coming.
The first hour of the new Harry Potter - 9/10

Decided it'd be better to watch it in theaters....

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