Rate the last movie you saw

transformers 2

Nice CGI but missing something from the first.i dont know what it is though.
also the title is very misleading(pm me to findout)
Title isn't misleading. The bastard gets up. And I didn't think that it was as good as it could've been. I mean robot V robot=awesome but...Too much comedy that had nothing to do with the plot. It's just dancing round it like "Haha, I'm funny you wanna know the end of the movie well WAIT!:p"
I liked it better than the 1st one. Why?

1. More Transformers: Rampage, Soundwave, Contructicons, Jetfire, etc.

2. IMAX: certain scenes were filmed in IMAX cameras so make sure you watch it at your BEST IMAX theater around. Some IMAX theaters are not really IMAX compared to the real ones.

3. The action scenes had slow motions which made it watchable.

Overall, I give it a 9.5/10.
The Hangover
3/5 - It was good. But I thought the film was meant to be hilarious

Blood the last Vampire
Full review pending
Lets just say I really liked this film 5/5 (maybe 6)
Forgetting Sarah Marshall - 8/10.

Sit back, watch, laugh, and enjoy. Simple film with some good funny moments. Mila Kunis was looking delicious as well.
Transformers 2
9.5/10 I dont kno why so many critics found it bad? I <3 it
I found it better than the first And the battles were way better

But Megan Fox gets 10/10 =p
Transformers 2 8/10

point off for the parents bringing there young kids to see it
Thursday night at 10:30

it kept me awake
Made of Honour. (dont ask :p)
I actually kind of enjoyed it which im a bit embarrassed to say. Just kidding.
Just a good movie to sit back, relax and enjoy.
Transformers 1. Good movie. Though, I am getting tired of Optimus and his sacrifice complex. But he's still, like, the coolest ever.

Transformers 2. Would have liked more Megatron/Hugo Weaving. I also just had this thought of Magneto V Megatron. But anyhoo, great movie also.

Hrm I feel like watching X-Men suddenly.
The Rocker - 8/10.

I know the movie isn't new, but I saw it at WalMart and picked it up. It was really funny, the plot was sort of predictable but enjoyable at the same time. The humor was sophisticated in a way. Rainn Wilson ftw. Nothing will ever beat School of Rock, though. :lol:
Transformers 2: 8.7/10

Awesome movie, but not as good as the first.

The forest fight scene was INCREDIBLE.

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