Rate the last movie you saw

Transformers 2... BOOM / 10
Megan Fox - 9.99.../10.

Transformers 2 was good as well.
Blood - The last vampire.
(I didn't watch the last ten minutes as ill enjoy it better in the cinema)
5/5 - All I can say is it's the best anime 2 live action film made.

Full review when I have seen it in the cinema
The Hangover - 1 million / 10
i laughed soo much.
freaking hilarious movie
You b*tches. You're not supposed to see Transformers 2 before me! >=[
Lord of War - 9/10

Weekend at Bernie's - 9/10

40 Year Old Virgin - 8.5/10
Megan Fox - 9.99.../10.

Transformers 2 was good as well.

Thats One of the Biggest reassons why 2 watch transfromers :ihih:

MAn u are all lucky 2 have Transformers a week earlyer than us =[

Friday the 13 (2009 Version) : 8/10 Jason movies are predictable......
I really didn't think the hangover was that good, Night at the Museum was probably a better movie. Don't get me wrong, Hangover had its moment...Asian guy and other stufff I can't remember, but Night at the Museum is just a film, that I like because of that bringing someone's imagination to life.
im gonna order my transformers 2 tickets before it comes out cuz i know its gonnna be sold out.
of course the "fallen" will lose so should it be fall of the fallen?
The Wrestler.

It was dull. Where was the good bit's that people seen?
2/5 - Only giving it two as I gave one to the girl in the strip bar
The Wrestler.

It was dull. Where was the good bit's that people seen?
2/5 - Only giving it two as I gave one to the girl in the strip bar

i thought it was an ok movie It did have its boring parts tho..
Oh yea and that Striper gets a 4.5/5 :lol:
I would give The Wrestler a 6.8/10
Taken - 10/10

Going to see Transformers Rise of the Fallen on Saturday.:)

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