Rate the last movie you saw

Seriously? I thought Taken was really good. I gave it an 9/10 for action, 7/10 for story

I plan to see the Wolverine movie. I hope it's good. =O


LOL, Storm. That has gotta be the best definition for Facepalm I have ever read.
Cashback - 9.5/10

Brilliant. First good British film I've seen in quite a while.
Cloverfield - 7/10

D'you know what, I was expecting it to be ****. But I enjoyed it. Usually the thing that ruins that kind of film is why/how the 'monster' is there, and how it's killed. But because of how it is filmed, they don't have to worry about that. And I thought it was filmed very well, I was pretty gripped. Naturally, I want to know what happens...but I'm cool with film just ending like that, for the sake of the film.
Ferris Buellers day off 10/10

Amazing every time.

Interview with a Vampire 10/10

One of the best films ive ever seen.
Rain Man...I dunno, I know it's meant to be a nice movie, but I've seen al the journey films and I already knew about the real life guys capabilities of being able to do some incredible stuff.

Valkery - 9.5/10 Because it was a true story.
Up in 3D - 9.0/10 Because of the dogs and it was beautiful in 3D.
Star Trek - 8.5/10 Because it was better than expected.
Star Trek - much better then I was ever expecting it to be. Eric Bana was quite a surprise and very awesome.
The Dead Pool - not my favourite of the Dirty Harry's, but certainly an entertaining one. Jim Carey and Liam Neeson both were quite good. Eastwood is always good, but his love interest was quite, well, not interesting.
Rain Man...I dunno, I know it's meant to be a nice movie, but I've seen al the journey films and I already knew about the real life guys capabilities of being able to do some incredible stuff.


Damn, I love Rain Man. The sheer comedy in it is worth a 9. After I watch that film, all you'll get out of me for a week is quotes from that film. I NEED it on day fow day.
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