Rate the last movie you saw

Am I the first to see Terminator 4? I saw it at it's midnight premier last night. 10/10 definately.

Arnold actually makes an appearance!

No stage crew were hurt by Christian Bale in the making of this movie.
He's not really in it. They did some CGI trickery to make it look like he is.

Looks like the critics don't like it much: http://www.metacritic.com/film/titles/terminatorsalvation
Who gives an flying frock if it's a blockbuster film or not. Someone doesn't like what you're weraing...who gives...someone doesn't like what you eat...so what...someone doesn't like what you smell like...get deodorant.

And the word block buster doesn't make any sense...who busts block when it's a good movie?
Who gives an flying frock if it's a blockbuster film or not. Someone doesn't like what you're weraing...who gives...someone doesn't like what you eat...so what...someone doesn't like what you smell like...get deodorant.
Actually, I don't give a crap if it's popular or not. It just happens that many of the films that do become popular are ones I don't particularly like, because usually they're either family-friendly films which don't appeal to me, or boring high-concept action films. There are blockbuster films I do like (e.g. the LotR trilogy, new Star Trek), but in general I don't find them that good.

And the word block buster doesn't make any sense...who busts block when it's a good movie?
I don't make these names up.
The Outlaw Josey Wales - loved it. I watched it a couple nights ago, when the storms here were peaking, the power was threatening to shut off all night, was afraid I wouldn't get the dinner being made because of the power going out. By the time I put on this movie, they had stopped for a while... and started back up 10 minutes before the movie ended. I was very concerned power would be go out... And apparently it did, and I just missed the outage. But overall, a great film. I did get annoyed with Clint spitting all the time, I am sure he's done that type of thing before, but it was never as... noticeable, maybe, as this. He kept spitting on the dog, is all. and a little bit always hung to his lip and I'd watch it... and next shot it would disappear.

Anyhoo, great film!
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - 9/10

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Okay, let me start off by saying that I know a lot of Indy fans thought this was absolutely horrible. I didn't think so. Most fans hated it because it included

in it. But I for one was amazed that they did something like that and still make it feel like an Indiana Jones movie.

And also I didn't mind the aliens because I like all these, "The aliens helped ancient civilizations do amazing things." conspiracies.

So in all, I was impressed. I give it an 8/10
Star Trek...I Probably wwould've enjoyed it more if I knew more of Star Trek.

Still a very good movie and ym dad who's a big trekkie was there to point some things out...Some were to obvious not to get "I'm giving her all she's got Captain!"

Unforgiven. Excellent film. Clint Eastwood was great, and his supporting cast was also good. Though I found it interesting his casting of Morgan Freeman, who is a great actor. But he's well, black, and the film is set during a time where he'd have encountered racism. Sure, one character takes an instant disliking towards him, but he doesn't really get any racist slurs, but despite this little point it didn't detract from the film at all. Which sort of makes me think the character wasn't written as black, but Morgan Freeman is just so cool they decided to cast him anyway.
Unforgiven. Excellent film. Clint Eastwood was great, and his supporting cast was also good. Though I found it interesting his casting of Morgan Freeman, who is a great actor. But he's well, black, and the film is set during a time where he'd have encountered racism. Sure, one character takes an instant disliking towards him, but he doesn't really get any racist slurs, but despite this little point it didn't detract from the film at all. Which sort of makes me think the character wasn't written as black, but Morgan Freeman is just so cool they decided to cast him anyway.
Are you going through all the Clint Eastwood westerns?
Yep, and I've still have a couple more at home to watch, and there is probably more out there I still need to buy. As for why the Clint obsession, I am not entirey sure. But this really is what I do. Before Clint it was Robert De Niro, I went out and bought as many of his films that I could find (and waiting on more) and before him it was Al Pacino. Then somewhere in the middle it was an obsession with watching all of the James Bonds, though as this is kind of like a series this may make more sense. I can develop strong obsessions and make my family endure weeks of the same actor, often in the same roles. It's apart of my charm.

So, moving on - High Plains Drifter. As this is written on the backcover of the film case, in the first twenty minutes Clint kills three people and rapes one woman. And the town just watches and thinks that Clint might be a good person to defend themselves against three people just out of jail and coming for revenge on the town. I enjoyed this film, the ending was a bit X-Files, I suppose is a way to put it. But, as someone who has a kind of creepy liking towards the X-Files' Smoking Man, I have to say I liked the ending.

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