Rate the last movie you saw

TAKEN. 8/10

Awesome action movie. Loses a point for being a little too far fetched, and another point for turning too James Bond with the end fight scene.
The Da Vinci Code - 8/10.

Very good, seen it before like, but it was on TV so I recorded it. Plus, I wanted to see the Assassin's Creed 2 trailers that were scheduled in the adverts.
TAKEN. 8/10

Awesome action movie. Loses a point for being a little too far fetched, and another point for turning too James Bond with the end fight scene.
I thought the entire point of the film was that it was completely far-fetched? It's basically some guy going all Jack Bauer on every criminal in Paris.
No mention of how awesome Liam is? And how awesome his voice is?! I saw him in the Dead Pool, and for some insane reason he was trying, as far as I could tell, to hide his awesome voice.
No mention of how awesome Liam is? And how awesome his voice is?! I saw him in the Dead Pool, and for some insane reason he was trying, as far as I could tell, to hide his awesome voice.
I didn't think he was quite right for the part in Taken, precisely because of that voice. It's kinda odd watching some guy beat up a ton of dudes while speaking like a classically-trained actor.
Beverly Hills Cop - 9.5/10
"I ain't fallin' for no banana in my tailpipe!"
@ Napalmbrain: But he did sound good. The threats were very nice.

"I beleive you... But that wont save you..."

Epic Ownge
TAKEN. 8/10

Awesome action movie. Loses a point for being a little too far fetched, and another point for turning too James Bond with the end fight scene.

Taken is where it's at. I'd give it an 8.5/10.

Yeah, just a little far-fetched, but that was part of its charm. I loved how he planned out practically every move he made.

On the box, it should have had a tagline of the movie that doubled as a movie description: "Watch Liam Nesson and his awesome voice kill a bunch of dudes".
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Watched it again to get ready for number 2.
Have to say, its a really great moive, 8.5/10
Deep Blue Sea - 8/10.

Haven't saw it in years. A very good film to just sit back and watch. Plus, Saffron Burrows is hot.
Dance Flick 7/10

It was decent. There were some HILARIOUS parts, but it was just too random...too often. The best Wayans movies had some semblence of a conscious storyline at all times with a hilarious scene to break the consistency (nice use of irony), while this one jumped around to the next random joke scene so often that the jokes themselves, while funny, lost their charm and cleverness when they otherwise would have been. Some jokes were also too over-the-top. The main character girl is hot, though.
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Jumper - 8/10.

I rather enjoyed it, a good flick to just sit back and watch. And Rachel Bilson is hot.
Watched Star Wars yesterday.
Phantom Menace - 8/10
Attack of the Clones - 5/10
Revenge of the Sith - 7/10
A New Hope - 10/10
The Empire Strikes Back - 9/10
Return of the Jedi - 9.5/10

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