Rate the last movie you saw

Their Eyes Were Watching God - 8/10
Decent movie, but too slow.
A Fistful of Dollars - so, the budget was small. But I didn't care. i really enjoyed it. The others were, of course, better but I imagine they had bigger budgets. I loved Clint in it as, I believe he was called "Joe" in this, though I really liked his "Blondie" nickname more. If I had to name him, that is.
Lol, I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

A Few Dollars More - Clint's 2nd film as the Man With No Name, and probably his 500th movie of the same character, but really, it's Clint Eastwood he's allowed to do it because of the scowl. Very enjoyable movie.
I am thinking of something creepy now.

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.

I don't think Clint is hardly the good, though I imagine this is the point. He's more the slightly better then the bad. Despite this, awesome movie. And I believe this is the one where they used the script as a prop. Apparently someone thought the script was as good as any scrap of paper around the place. This would be even more amusing, had the movie actually been crap, but is not something I could say about this.
Star Trek - 9/10

Better than I thought it would be. I actually thought that green chick was hot.
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - 10/10
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.

I don't think Clint is hardly the good, though I imagine this is the point. He's more the slightly better then the bad. Despite this, awesome movie. And I believe this is the one where they used the script as a prop. Apparently someone thought the script was as good as any scrap of paper around the place. This would be even more amusing, had the movie actually been crap, but is not something I could say about this.
Superb film. :thumbsup:

I think I might watch that new Star Trek film later.
I only just found this tread and i have seen so many movies lattly so here we go.

Lesbian Vampire Killers: For what it was, it was funny. But you have to be very imature, i mean very to like this film. 7/10.

Wolverine: I liked quite a bit of it, Ryan Renoldes was very good and funny but it was in some ways to much of a fan service. There was so many character the ones that deserved to be developed arn't. 5/10

StarTrek: Oh how I loved that film. I wouldn't call my self a treky but i got nearly all the refrences and even some of the history. So yer I really enjoyed it 9/10.
All right for those who've seen them, Star Trek or Angles and Demons?

I'm trying to deciede which to see this weekend.
Star Trek (couldn't they have added a subtitle, or at least put XI on the end?) - 7/10

It's dumb, it's cheesy, and it's absolutely ridiculous, but you know what? It's fun. Kinda like the original Star Wars trilogy. Definitely a film for the casual fan rather than the hardcore trekkie.

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