Rate the last movie you saw

V For Vendetta - 6/10

The film has its moments, but the comic is definitely better. Somewhere along the line of adapting it to big screen, they missed a lot of characterisation (especially with Evey and the government characters), and it lacks the moral ambiguity of the original comic.
^ I thought so too. My cousin had the big Graphic Novel back in the day and I loved it.

I saw the original Rocky again. 10/10
That Chunli film
1/5 - If you know the basic story line of Chun li
2/5 if you dont
Im not saying its bad its just not very good
Gen with a fireball?
*Hands Chun li a flyer*
"Its a Street fighter tornement where looking for more people to join us"
"I hear there is one exceptional fighter called Ryu something"
Chun li "No thanks"
Wise choce

Lol Bision is some guy in a suit with a beard
Push - 7/10. Being a big Heroes fan I enjoyed it as the abilities are a carbon copy of the ones on the show (except for the sniffers).


really does the game no justice.
Valkyrie 9/10

I must admit that this movie was one of the best I've seen from Tom Cruise and I enjoyed it all the way through. The only problem I had was that I had wished the people who were trying to assassinate Hitler, should have at least a little German accent. lol.

Punisher War Zone 10/10

This movie really brought out what the Punisher should've been in the other previous remake of the coolest comic book character. He may not have been as deep as in the other Punisher film, but the non-stop action made up for it. Also, the acting wasn't the best, but it was good enough for it to be watchable. If you're a big fan of The Punisher comics, then you'll enjoy this movie.
Better than the DarkKight

Big trouble in little China
A classic
It realy is a great movie. its been several years sinds I saw that one, now i have to see it this weekend!

Watched Jurassic park 3 past weekend, still verry good. 9/10
meh, I'd give it a high 7. But it's hell of a lot better than JP2 thats for sure. But nothing can beat the original :D

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