Rate the last movie you saw

Taken 9/10

Liam Neeson can kick some ass!
Yeah, I loved Taken. Liam Neeson is so utterly awesome that words cannot describe it.
Me and my friend said "Damn!" every 2 seconds during that movie cause of him :lol:

Theres a funny review of it by Spill.com. I crack up every time I see that review :)
Sweeney Todd. I love that fim. It's just sooo good.
Sure Johnny Depp may not be able to sing quite as good as Len Cariou or George Hearn, but he still does an excellent job.

Gran Torino 8/10

Glad I watched, good film

Gonna go watch frost/Nixon
Futurama: Into the WIld Green Yonder
9/10: Absolutely hilarious, but I can't help feeling sad- this is most likely the last new episode/movie of Futurama ever.
Zoolander 10/10

Its possibly my favorite comedy ever. I've seen it a thousand times and I always laugh hysterically.
Futurama: Into the WIld Green Yonder
9/10: Great movie. Not my favorite of the 4, but it was really funny. I swear I had a bad feeling in my gut as the credits rolled, knowing it would be the last moment of new Futurama I would ever experience.
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