Rate the last movie you saw

Recent movies included...

The Princess Diaries - It's hardly a brilliant film, but it's a chick flick and I can't be watching violent, death, mafia films ALL the time can I? No, I need to watch some nice things every now and then. And I like Anne Hathaway so...

Iron Man - Awesome film. Robert Downey Jr is awesome. Um yeah. Awesome. My most overused word.

Gran Torino - I originally had doubts about going to see this. I just wasn't that interested from the trailers. But I am very glad that I did give it a chance. Great film.
Ratatouille 9/10 Great Pixar film.

Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End (3) 9/10 Dark, but very entertaining.
Taken 9.5/10

Coraline 9/10

Taken was good just for the action, thriller aspects.

Coraline had a just so-so plotline, but the visual aspects were absolutely astounding imo. The movie itself was less kid-ish than I expected. the 3D gave me a bit of a headache, but that wasn't the case for any of the other people I went with.
Smiley Face - 8/10

Started out slow but then shortly became extremely hilarious. However, I would not recommend it to people who don't smoke weed.
Vantage Point: 7 Meh, it was, uh, meh.

Loser: 8 A little goofy but good all around (and Mena Suvari...mmmmmmmm)
Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull- 2/10.

COMPLETELY lost the plot. ALIENS. UFOs. Surviving a nuclear blast by hiding in a FRIDGE. Gold coins being magnetically pulled to an object when gold isn't MAGNETIC. A f***ing swordfight on two moving vehicles through an Amazon Jungle.


2/10 is me being generous.
Pride and Glory: 7/10

Decent plot, very graphic. Them saying **** every other word gets annoying.

New, Friday the 13:


Not scary, typical horor movie, bloody, victims are so stupid they desive to die, lots of boobs.

Fun movie to see with friends, but not a very good movie overal.
Fired Up!

6 to 7/10

Not great, but its goo if you just wanna go to hang out, and not to actually watch a good movie :lol:

As a hang out movie, its perfect. As a good movie, its ehhh
Yes Man 8/10

Another good Jim Carrey movie. I don't think it's as great as his past comedy movies, but it was good. I didn't expect to laugh so much in it. Though, it was very predictable, like all other comedies lol. Overall, worth the time if you're into comedies.

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