PROOF that the PS3 sucks MAJOR NUTS: A PS3 owner's complaint/story.

:cool: ... hmmm...

:| i wouldn't spend £400 on something that Sony have made, just for extreme profits... didn't the PS2 cost like £20 to make and they charged £140 at launch?

wonder how much the PS3 cost to make?

:| this problem would no doubt have been down to a hardware issue... dogey unit? yeah

:| my wi-fi router was DOA =(... stupid dynamode cheap tat-ish ****... SKY's routers look much prettier and work better too.

When the PS3 was launched in the USA there was something on google news uk that said that a few months later they were all in the 'SALE/BARGING' section at a greatly reduced price... :S
Every video game console sucks, yes, even the muther****ing Wii!

Major nuts, or ass. It doesn't matter. They still suck.
Argh no console "Sucks" out of the 3 , they are equaly good in thier own ways, and each one has thier faults and can crash, live with it :p
En4Neo said:
Atleast the Ps3 didn't altogether die on you like most 360s did at launch. I guess by your logic the 360 sucks too, but even more.
but they dont.
lol oh god, hmm im still having the PS3 or 360 debate going on in my head grr, just bought a 26 inch HD TV for my room too.. mmm Final Fantasy 13 and "Home" tempts me a lot..:p
While it's unfortunate what happened to your PS3, it's not a common issue with PS3s by a long shot. They've had way fewer hardware issues than Xbox 360 (which is quite apparent on forums). My friend's Xbox 360 had the "three red lights" and he had to use a heatgun on it and apply some thermal paste to the CPU to alleviate the issue. Thankfully, it worked again.

My Xbox 360 freezes up at as little as 6 hours of gameplay because it overheats. I put a fan on it when I'm playing it for extended periods of time.

My Wii doesn't have any issues -- it seems quite well built, like any Nintendo console. My PS3 also seems very well built. I have been running Folding@Home on it almost nonstop since it launched and the PS3 has neither overheated, failed, or glitched. The PS3 remains cool to the touch, on top of that.

I think yours was just a bad one out of a BUNCH. That happens with ANYTHING. I've seen some posts here of people's broken Wiis -- it certainly doesn't mean "it sucks". It means that yours is defective and outside the norm.

In the quarterly report it was stated that the 60GB PS3 cost $863 to make. Sony is marketing like Microsoft did with the first Xbox; they expect to make money off of games overtime, PlayStation Network purchases (which, by the way, just got Mortal Kombat II that's playable ONLINE!), and BluRay sales for a long, long time (since Sony receives royalties for that technology). Not to mention, all of Sony's HD movies are going to be on BluRay. If people have a BluRay player, they will be more likely to buy the movies.
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Jonny said:
so u start the thread topic as "PROOF that the PS3 sucks MAJOR NUTS: A PS3 owner's complaint/story" , then u change it to PROOF that the PS3 sucks MAJOR NUTS: at least mine" or something half way through the thread discussion, realise ps3 isnt the only console that freezes, like every other console theres gonna be some that freeze, u get proved wrong, and u just pick other stuff to hit on about sony? lol u got problems i think u should just go hire a hitman and go kill sony if u hate them that much
Trust me, I would if I had the money. >.> Maybe I should sell my PS3 and put the sales proffit towards a hitman...
...But wait... No one would buy it! D: Bummer...
And if you think they're "flying off the shelves" like the Sony reps think they are, then maybe you could explain the 30 PS3's that I saw sitting RIGHT near the entrance at CostCo last Wednesday.
And either way, you can call me a dick for complaining about my PS3, and bashing Sony, but that doesn't exactly change ANYONE'S opinion, if you're just trolling and not stating actual facts. Not to mention the lack of the usage of the letter combination, "yo" in numerous parts of your little bitchfits.
Sorry im not the one bitching, you are... about sony.. right?

wats wrong with using "u" instead of "you"? every1 can still understand me...

and yes i know ps3's arent selling well, at the store i bought it from only 1 other person bought it there before me.. i never said they were selling well.
spirit0flight said:
Hmm just Sounds like a Dodgy PS3..

As a Eu Gamer Iv only have my PS3 a week.. and have Resistance an Motorstorm.. (Both of which play like a dream and havent had any "glitches" or problems with) -Touch wood-.

Should be fixed free anyway.. if sent in as its nearly brand new?

Title of post is a little Miss-leading.. PS3 doesnt suk ... You just bad experience.

this guy is right--you just had a bad experience. Look at some other posts on here, theres one about how the 360 sucks, and same for the Wii, and even criticizing PCs as a whole. Obivously, nothing is perfect and products get jammed up a bit. This is normal, and you can't blame al your problems on the system, gathering everyone up saying how this and that system sucks cuz you were pissed off and couldn't get over it in time. :mad:
Xionn said:
Argh no console "Sucks" out of the 3 , they are equaly good in thier own ways, and each one has thier faults and can crash, live with it :p
true. u really cant say any of the 3 suck. i mean, its next gen. online play, internet, and all that other crap. now, u can say that u like one better than the other, or that this one sux compared to that one, but seriously, no next gen game counsel sux.

people say the gamecube sux. even the gamecube dosent suck. u know why? cause all u have to do is buy the right games for it so it dosent sux. like:
smash bros melee
metriod prime
metroid echos
mario kart double dash
splinter cell
and even tales of symphonia

now a game system that does sux, is the ibox. most of u may not know wat that is cause it was so crapy it didnt even hit the market. it was from the creators of ipod and that crap
hmmmmm, ok......
Another flamer:confused: , how many times are we going to have to deal with you guys, well i wont even bother, i bet that this time its for a stupid reason that you guys are flaming each other, (i dont know?)
I didnt even bother to read what you guys on top of me posted, to see why you guys are argueing with each other for!
I mean, its childish to get mad over something so small, it doesnt make any sense at all, and here again,someone else is argueing!
Back on topic, i dont know why some idiot-child made this forum, just to start crap, i like the Nintendo Wii, but i wouldnt go make a thread saying how ps3 sucks, hey i hate to admit it, wel actually i dont hate to admit it, but i love nintendo, but just cuz i love it or you love it doesnt mean you and i shouldnt care about the other systems[unless you truly hate that system, i guess i could understand] , they all have there own flaws, not just ps3, i mean, can we all just get along? Cuz we're all grown ups, well majority of us... and if you like this system, and someone else dislikes it, oh well, its not like they're going to put a gun in your in face and force you to like it.
Its your decision on what system you like, no-one elses!
Gosh, its time to growup! Stop being scared of what everyone else thinks, put your foot down, have the fruits for once to be a man or (woman!)
Just say what you want to say, ignore what other folks think of what you posted, i hope you guys are catching what im saying, hopefully.
p.s: not bashing anyone, just wondering why there always has to be FLAMER to mess things up! (Well thats all i gotta say, about that) yall stay cool!:cool:
CyanRussel said:
hmmmmm, ok......
Another flamer:confused: , how many times are we going to have to deal with you guys, well i wont even bother, i bet that this time its for a stupid reason that you guys are flaming each other, (i dont know?)
I didnt even bother to read what you guys on top of me posted, to see why you guys are argueing with each other for!
I mean, its childish to get mad over something so small, it doesnt make any sense at all, and here again,someone else is argueing!
Back on topic, i dont know why some idiot-child made this forum, just to start crap, i like the Nintendo Wii, but i wouldnt go make a thread saying how ps3 sucks, hey i hate to admit it, wel actually i dont hate to admit it, but i love nintendo, but just cuz i love it or you love it doesnt mean you and i shouldnt care about the other systems[unless you truly hate that system, i guess i could understand] , they all have there own flaws, not just ps3, i mean, can we all just get along? Cuz we're all grown ups, well majority of us... and if you like this system, and someone else dislikes it, oh well, its not like they're going to put a gun in your in face and force you to like it.
Its your decision on what system you like, no-one elses!
Gosh, its time to growup! Stop being scared of what everyone else thinks, put your foot down, have the fruits for once to be a man or (woman!)
Just say what you want to say, ignore what other folks think of what you posted, i hope you guys are catching what im saying, hopefully.
p.s: not bashing anyone, just wondering why there always has to be FLAMER to mess things up! (Well thats all i gotta say, about that) yall stay cool!:cool:
