the ps3 40 gig is garbage

Thats true, but not always :p I bought my 360 to play 360 and Xbox games. Ive bought 6 original Xbox games since late August when I bought my 360.
Nintendo93 said:
I wouldn't call Ridge Racer an accomplishment, but yeah, there are loads of unappreciated games.

out of everything that guy pics ridge racer 7 >.<


is this forum anti ps3, cause i usally see ps3 bashing going on (and of course 360)
rotlex said:
Lastly, on the BC, there are, as hard as it probably is to believe, LOL, people like myself who don't care about it at all. I've got one too many games to play already with THIS gen stuff, and everything coming out over the next year to worry about playing anything last gen. Heck, I've traded anything I own that's been played to death by this point anyway.

I agree with you, I don't really care about being able to play old PS2 games that much. I believe that there is a VC that you could maybe play some great older title. I know you have to pay for them, but you could easily go sell that old game that you are holding on to for like $10 and then turn around and spend that on the VC game.
Just a thought.
T3kNi9e said:
But what makes it different is that VHS players are still sold at a very cheap price. You can get it for $20 if you really want one. Also the fact that alot of the old VHS movies have been remade in DVD format, so VHS isn't really required. They are still making old movies in DVD format as we speak. Hell I bought the movie "The Thing" for my dad a few months back.

Kronau, you shouldn't even be allowed to speak, 90% of the time what you say is complete bs. This time around you are somewhat right. But looking at it that way is not a way to do it. Xbox does essentially the same thing as PS3 except instead of forcing everything on you they let you choose if you want it or not. For example, HD Drive can be bought seperately, same as WiFi.

So obviously if you put it together its cheaper because Sony was forced to lower the price even more because of its bad sales. But the fact is Sony forces you to get Blu-ray and WiFi, it even forces you to have a Hard Drive. While Xbox has the choice... You can get an Xbox for $20 more than a Wii with a memory card as big as Wii's internal HDD. Btw, all of Xbox 360 have backward compatability...
what xbox game is worth playing again if you have a 360?
original xbox games?

Halo: CE
Halo 2 (still has ALOT of people playing)
Fable which I played like 3-4 weeks ago
Battlefield 2: MC
Doom 3
Rainbow Six 3

There's alot of original Xbox games still worth playing, those are just some games off the top of my head.
sony playstation is like making love, the first time isnt that great the second time is the best and the third time is when u think ur good enough to be the best
why havnt the mods closed this yet, why do we have mods when they arnt doing anything

heck from the first post this was a fanboy topic and a flame war thread

look you got transform8 talking about mechanicle intercorse
because our mods dont do any moderating and when they actually do they do it in every section but ps3/360.
They've deleted my comments sometimes, because I like to argue alot ^_^

I even got neg repped and it said "Leave the fanboyism at the door" not sure if it was exactly like that, but it sure did say leave the fanboyism.

I find it ironic since I own all consoles and play all of them. But that time was before I got PS3 and I guess I was a Wii hater, even though I just bought 2 new Wii games recently and have been killing my Wii :p
I agree for the most part with the OP, the 40 gig is a joke, how are they going to remove the PS2, and PS1 playability. That is stupid in my eyes. There are those who own PS1 and PS2 games who want to be able to play them on their PS3 and don't feel the need for the 80 gig or don't have an extra 100 bucks for it at the time of purchase. Sony continues with their bonehead moves. (Not saying that Microsoft and Nintendo are scot-free, I'm just saying this is not one of their better moves.)
Yeah it sucks that the PS3 doens't have backwrads compatibility, but you'll get over it, I don't know why they stopped the 60gig production though, that fishy.
But if you think about it, ps3's good at planning with the future, i remember when the ps2 came out, it had a dvd player too, so it was a little more than just a gaming machine, and back then dvd players were coming into thier prime, so some people just bought the ps2 for it's dvd player.
Now, ps3's made a blu ray player, and i'm telling you guy's the ps3's gonna be big maan, what they did was risky, jumping into the deep end hoping everyone will follow suit, and they are, you guys here, another studio i think warner borther said they were gonna make the move to blu ray too. Also blu ray players cost around the same price as a ps3 too!
The only thing different this time is Nintendo bought out the big gun's this time, LOL.
The guy getting his tye stapled to the desk is the ps3, LOL, i'm sure he's not gonna let this slip!
Gikoku said:
Besides, if your PS2 breaks down, and there's no more sitting on the shelves due to the halt of production... you won't be able to play your PS2 games anymore, because the PS3 doesn't support it. Then what? :(

It's called the internet. You can ALWAYS find what you need online. If you can still as of right this very second buy mint-in-box atari 2600 units, or commodore 64s I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding a working PS1/2 in five, fifteen or even fifty years from now. People just get too greedy with their hardware.
The 40 GB system can play PS1 games. I've seen several people in this thread mention that and it blows my mind how people can discuss a topic and not know what they are talking about. No, it doesn't have PS2 compatability. If you want that then you can buy the 80 GB system. It's not a big deal to most people. 120 million people bought a PS2, so most people own one.

It really comes down to what you want. What kind of games you want. What kind of functionality you want.

As far as package goes, PS3 is the best value, but it doesn't have a great lineup now. Still, to the person who said Sony is forcing Wi-Fi on you, come on. Every other system produced now, including the Nintendo DS and Wii, have built in Wi-Fi, that is except for the 360. You have to pay extra for that. Wireless routers are very common nowadays, no excuse for not including it. About the harddrive, I can't imagine someone not wanting an internal harddrive. Also, it will be very interesting to see if the extra storage on the Blu-Ray will come into play this gen.

I think both the PS3 and 360 are great systems. 360 has the better current lineup, but PS3 is probably the best value. Also, PS3 is a lot more reliable.
I keep hearing about how Live only costs $50 a year. Well, let's think about that for a minute: If you own your console for 5 years and have Live all 5 of those years, you've just added $250 onto the price of your console.

The point is, you shouldn't have to play that much for online service. People keep saying "it isn't that much" but if you think about it, it is. Microsoft is making a killing off of Live.
I already knew it could play PS1 :p But I don't own any PS1 games (Owned a N64 back then).

I agree WiFi is practically common, I only said it to make a point. Even I have a wireless router for my Laptop and PS3, hell I can connect my 360 to my Laptop for wireless.

Thats why in the end I always say it comes down to what type of games you enjoy to play and how bad do you like online. Because in the end they're both overall good.