PROOF that the PS3 sucks MAJOR NUTS: A PS3 owner's complaint/story.

Wii_Smurf said:
Wow another ****ed up PS3 =/
I'll go for Wii60 please ^_^ [Yeah I am quite poor lol]

Not very nice, Maybe we don't want to hear your story if you don't want to hear his

Anyways when the 360 was first launched there were MAJOR problems with it and they all got called back in lol. They've fixed it now, Im sure this will happen with the PS3 they'll get better.

Overall good old Nintendo never having problems with ANY of their systems EVER!

i dont want to hear his story so everybody else in the forum doesnt wanna hear mine? maybe your wrong. and who exactly is we? you trying to make urself an internet army there bud?
Sovieto said:
about the oblivion, its due to poor porting

I would have to agree with you on that 1 but I did hear the guys that made oblivion said making it for the PS3 was a pain
The PS3s are famous for overheating. The same can be said for 360s. That's why they sell fan attachments now. The problem is the PS3 is as powerful as a computer, but it doesn't have decent fans inside. A simple fan setup should fix the problem. I hope...
sagema said:
The PS3s are famous for overheating. The same can be said for 360s. That's why they sell fan attachments now. The problem is the PS3 is as powerful as a computer, but it doesn't have decent fans inside. A simple fan setup should fix the problem. I hope...

Do you have a PS3?

Overheating rumour debunked.

If you put the PS3 in a hot area, it will get hot. A lot of people tend to put their consoles in stupid places or cover them up. The PS3 does not really over heat at all, only user error can cause that.
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Wow...a lot of people here are saying a lot of things that I have never heard of before. 4/10 ps3s dying? thats almost half of them...and I didn't here anyone complaining. Also, I have a PS3 and mine hasn't had one problem. PS3s are famous for overheating...Famous where? I haven't heard that either. My PS3 does heat up pretty good if you put your hand next to it, (the machine itself stays room temperature, but "exhales" warm air) and if you had it in a small room, and shut the door, you would be able to feel a temperature difference, but it hasn't overheated. Everyone that I know who has a PS3 hasn't had one problem.

EDIT: Actually, I do remember ONE video on youtube that one guy's PS3 wouldn't take the disc, but there really wasn't any good evidence, because he could have already had a disc in the drive so...
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Jonny said:
i dont want to hear his story so everybody else in the forum doesnt wanna hear mine? maybe your wrong. and who exactly is we? you trying to make urself an internet army there bud?

Well it's abit rude posting on a thread where you don't even read the starting post =/
Skeet Rag said:
Wow...a lot of people here are saying a lot of things that I have never heard of before. 4/10 ps3s dying? thats almost half of them...and I didn't here anyone complaining. Also, I have a PS3 and mine hasn't had one problem. PS3s are famous for overheating...Famous where? I haven't heard that either. My PS3 does heat up pretty good if you put your hand next to it, (the machine itself stays room temperature, but "exhales" warm air) and if you had it in a small room, and shut the door, you would be able to feel a temperature difference, but it hasn't overheated. Everyone that I know who has a PS3 hasn't had one problem.

EDIT: Actually, I do remember ONE video on youtube that one guy's PS3 wouldn't take the disc, but there really wasn't any good evidence, because he could have already had a disc in the drive so...

from what i read somewhere on one of those game sites it said a majority of the launch consoles were defected and sony had to take them back off the shelves, so i think it was a particular batch they made - not all were complaints from customers.

@wii smurf - i just hate it when people generalize and the topic was "proof ps3 sucks etc etc" but hes changed the topic now (at least for me) so it doesnt matter anymore

EDIT: about the overheating thing, since ps3 is apparently 5x more powerful than most PCS, i heard u need to put them in a spaceous area like PCS, so they have more air or some crap - as in dont put it in a little cabinet while ur playing or else the air in there will get really hot n etc. u know what i mean
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Okay, for all you dick-wads who won't THINK about what I'm saying, I'm saying that MY PS3 sucks 'cause it broke. Not saying ALL PS3s suck major ass 'cause they ALL freeze, I'm saying mine pisses me off to no end, 'cause it freezes after I get the greatest game ever, like it's ****ing with me.

Now, don't get me wrong, I still say Sony ****ed themselves over with this one. Seriously, the PS3 isn't all that bad in itself, Sony is. Saying dumbass cocky **** that makes them look stupid, jackin' the price up to $600, making GAMES $62 each, and who the **** cares about the Blu-Ray? Really, it doesn't do much for us right now, does it? It's a blue disk. Wow. It can hold more data than we'll ever need to use on a disk for the PS3. Wow.

Really, if the PS3 was like.. 400 bucks for the 60 gig, maybe it'd be worth it. For now, it's not. Plus, the games that have come out for it aren't that good. Really, Resistance and Oblivion are the only two good games I've played. I heard Motorstorm is good, but I, personally, don't like racing games. Now, I'm not saying that no good games are gonna come out, I'm saying that right now, only about two games are worth buying for $62.

Oh, and one more thing... SONY ****IN' SUCKS MORE COCK THAN IMAGINABLE. Okay, so the box they were sending me to put my PS3 in and send it back was supposed to get here Monday... ...OF LAST WEEK. It still hasn't gotten here, and so far, all it's done is like... been transferred between three cities in ****in' Texas. Not to mention it took about an hour on the phone with a Sony Support Rep to give them my damned shipping address. Those guys are ****in' weird. They have like ADD or something. All three of them I talked to. >.<
so u start the thread topic as "PROOF that the PS3 sucks MAJOR NUTS: A PS3 owner's complaint/story" , then u change it to PROOF that the PS3 sucks MAJOR NUTS: at least mine" or something half way through the thread discussion, realise ps3 isnt the only console that freezes, like every other console theres gonna be some that freeze, u get proved wrong, and u just pick other stuff to hit on about sony? lol u got problems i think u should just go hire a hitman and go kill sony if u hate them that much
You guys stick to your opinions. I'll stick to the raw sales figures. This is the same company that made the Dell computers burn from defective batteries.