Professional Wrestling Thread

I liked the whole backflip urinagi slam Paul Burchill did when he was a "pirate"
Is he still pulling that gimmick?
^Twas what I was speaking of.

No, he's no longer a pirate, he's now a Brit and has put on a ton of lean muscle mass.
Bloody wanker...
Well does he still have his old move?

xD I already covered this in the last page if you want to check it out.

-I forgot to mention Paul Burchill last week. When this guy was on SD, I absolutely loved him. When he came to Raw, I didn't even recognize him, he used to be a near-cruiser! I am really missing his old finisher [got them in a 'rock bottom' type setup, and then backflipped with them hooked, so that the opponent landed back to the mat and he landed his stomach on theirs]. This finisher is decent, but it only has good impact against smaller opponents, as seen with Super Crazy this week [nothing was heard, because Super Crazy is bulky around the gut].

His new character [particularly his size, gimmick, and talent] reminds me quite a bit of Triple H back in the day. You know, Jean-Paul Levesque?
That sucks (I find myself saying that a lot lately...)
Cmon Vince, just retire already...
Vince won't be retiring any time soon.

Its fairly certain that Shane, Stephanie and Paul [Triple H] are going to all then co-own the company. Having said this, Stephanie is raising a child [and might be pregnant again...?] and Paul's career still has a good 5-10 years left. I don't know what the hell Shane's up to xD
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Shane? Probably doing that gay-ass arm spinning dance he likes to do.
My favorite memory of Shane is when Steve Blackman WHOOPED HIS ASS at Summerslam 2000 for the Hardcore title.
50-ft diving elbow after a 75-foot kendo stick fall FTW!

EDIT I have a simplified video of that match.
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LevesqueIsKing said:
Vince won't be retiring any time soon.

Its fairly certain that Shane, Stephanie and Paul [Triple H] are going to all then co-own the company. Having said this, Stephanie is raising a child [and might be pregnant again...?] and Paul's career still has a good 5-10 years left. I don't know what the hell Shane's up to xD
Wasnt it Shane that I seen after that Big Show insadent getin him to go back stage
Ether that or it was some one that looked like him
^Yeah, thats the first we've seen of Shane in quite a while. Apparently he is quite fond of Big Show [if you remember, he backed Big Show at WM when it was Show/Trips/Rock/Mankind and all the McMahon's chose one of them.

Rumor has it that it may be Show & Shane vs that boxer and ReyRey at mania.
A boxer VS a wrestler
Didnt we see that in one of the Rocky films ?
Darkprinny said:
A boxer VS a wrestler
Didnt we see that in one of the Rocky films ?

Yes, and we also saw it with Stone Cold and Mike Tyson before.

But yeah, I heard about the possibility of Shane and Show at Mania vs. Rey and the Boxer. I am glad, I don't mind Shane. I just really enjoyed when DX made fun of him and his dad, that was pretty good.
Friday Night Smackdown Spoilers:
Edge comes out (with Edgeheads) and does a promo about Undertaker's 15-0 undefeated streak and mentions he is also undefeated at Wrestlemania (singles matches), He brags On about ending the streak, the lights go out undertaker cleans house Chokeslams an Edgehead, Undertaker stares down Edge as he is on the ramp.

Match 1:

Shelton Benjiman Def Jimmy Wang Yang after Sheltons reverse ddt finisher, to Qualify for the Money in the Bank Ladder match at Wrestlemania 24.

Backstage Segment:

Mayrse Tells Teddy Long that she needs to show him something and follows him in his room.

Match 2:
Jesse and Festus defeated Deuce and Domino.

Match 3:

Big Daddy V defeated Shannon Moore.

Match 4:

Batista defeated MVP in a non-title match after the Batista Bomb.

Match 5:
Kane defeated The Great Khali. Khali had the head vice on Kane, but Kane ran up the ropes and pushed it off, forcin Khali down.

Match 6:

Chuck Palumbo pinned Matt Jackson.

In-ring promo and Main Event:

Rey Mysterio came out and announced that he needed to miss Wrestlemanai because of surgery on his torn biceps. Chavo Guerrero came out and Rey defeated him in a non-title match. Vickie Guerrero came out and said that wasn't enough after what he did to her, which brought out Big Show. Show attacked Rey and chokeslammed him, saying that he was doing this to Rey but in his mind, he was really doing it to Floyd Mayweather.
Yay for him usein spoilers
*wonders if its online yet*
Darkprinny said:
Yay for him usein spoilers
*wonders if its online yet*

Oh it will be tomrrow (hopefully) we just need to wait for the guy.

Smackdown Pretty Average IMO, I like How the MITB is shaping up, HIGH SPOTS FTW.
Nar I have not sky or indeed sky sports (im not payin for more channels of stuff I hate)
So I have to wait for some kind sod to put it online

GIF from last weeks smackdown

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