Professional Wrestling Thread

Cherry Looked quite Pretty this week on smackdown, Straightning a girls hair really maks her look pretty, (for another example look at Layla).

Ah it is the season. I DECLARE THAT THE WRESTLEMANIA SEASON HAS BEGUN (even though it started at the Rumble)

37 DAYS TILL WRESTLEMANIA (and my birthday
Damn that move Jimmy ying yang did to get outa the possable pin was good
Hes shapen up to be quite good as a high flyer

And Kanes pin on Kali
Raw-ish Comments


-I'm rather disappointed that Jericho is going to be in the Money in the Bank match. They're packing a lot of punch into this match [unlike previous years], and that had better not hurt the rest of the lineup at Wrestlemania. He could put on a great match at mania, why couldn't they find him an opponent? Now that I think about it, there aren't many heels to work with on RAW, are there? I can't think of one that he could face.

-Rumor has it that there is going to be a HUGE spot [move] in the MITB match and thats its going to tear the house down. One can only assume that Jeff Hardy will be pulling off this manuever, and one can only assume that Jeff Hardy will then win the match. That's a lot of assumptions, especially with all the star power they're packing into the match, but its the best guess we've got right now.

-Assuming that this rumor is true, another rumor thats floating around is that Triple H will be dropping the belt to Hardy later that year. Contrary to popular belief, Trips likes jobbing to people that he thinks will help the business, and refuses to job to people who he thinks will drag the business down. Its common knowledge that Trips has a huge amount of [real-life] respect for Jeff Hardy, so these plans are very possible. I still can't imagine Hardy as World Champ, so it'll be very interesting to see what happens.

-Hardy needs to drop the Intercontinental Title ASAP. I didn't even remember he had it. It is doing absolutely nothing for him right now, so give it to somebody that actually needs the publicity.

-I'm actually starting to like the Trips/Cena feud. Most of Cena's promos I hate, but some of them I like. I can't quite explain it.

-Is Batista in a feud right now? I've got my money on him as the 'Smackdown Representative' to face Umaga/Burchill.

-Whats up with Kennedy's new music? It sounds like a Diva's, and I really like his old theme.

-Just to let everyone know, Big Show is *officially* on SD. They're just promoting this feud on RAW because they think it will sell big. After mania he'll be competing regularly on friday nights.

-I really liked the main event. That was a great way to put Kennedy over.
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Raw was decent

I agree about Jericho in the MITB, he should have a match against someone at Mania, like one on one, but I guess its better than having another Jericho vs. JBL match again. Jericho and Hardy's match was pretty good though.

I also really would like to see Hardy win the title at some point, and yes he should lost his intercontinental belt soon. I do want HHH to win again though, but I do hope Hardy at some point this year or next wins the big Title.

I haven't watched a full Smackdown episode in years, the interest has not been there for me. But with Big Show back, once he gets going in a real wrestling feud I may watch it more often.[/SPOLIER]
Am I one of the few people that thoght that smackdowns camber match was better than raws ?

This weeks raw

The last part is kinda lost (person that posted the link on another forum got it wrong)

I am kinda routein for HHH to win at mania
Mainly due to the other two are rubbish
Another dull Mainia main event,-08---Part-7
When we know the full card for mania lets do a little tipping competition. Winner gets a Belt that they put in their sig.

Dunno, thats what im thinking.

(maybe Prinny can make it ;) dunno well see)
bigwilliiy said:
When we know the full card for mania lets do a little tipping competition
As in cow tipping ?
Darkprinny said:
As in cow tipping ?

Like guessing - tipping.

We have a list of people who re in the competition, the tipping starts when the full card is announced,

The person with the most Guesses Becomes the "Wiichat World Champion"

At each PPV the champion will defend his belt via the same as he won it by tipping the most.

good idea?
Bloody hell
They got Koffie to fight somebody with a name we all know
LevesqueIsKing said:
Wait, where's this list?

referring to the tipping, we get a list of people and when the final card of the next WWE PPV comes up we all tip to see who is champion.

So im in

#1: Willy

(just post yourself into the tipping like #2- Someguy)
Well im putin my money on Cena to win the title
They go on about the one that wins the rumble wins the title most of the time

Shawn to retie Rick

Taker to win title

Unsure about money in the bank

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