Professional Wrestling Thread

I was mad at Cena vs. HHH match at Mania....HHH did everything...especially kicking out of the F-U....then Cena just had to put in that STFU on him

Im still trying to figure out who taught him that dam submission i can....UNLEASH MY FURY UPON THEM..LOL
LevesqueIsKing said:
I was actually also thinking about that. Cena would fit in much better on SD; I'd even be okay with him being the champ. I still think that bringing Kennedy to RAW was a huge mistake. He could have been an amazing World Champion on SD. Vince is so damn selfish over his A show. Either make them equal, or get rid of the brand extension as a whole.

I was surprised Kennedy came over, but yeah I wouldn't mind seeing him champ on Smackdown either. Plus Smackdown has a younger fanbase, so does Cena it would work out.
CyanRussel said:
I was totally shocked when Jeff Hardy Beat HBK.....and got a little pissed because we havent seen HHH in for 2 weeks....1 week was family problems dont know about the second week

My hopes for the chamber on for HHH to wrestlemania and win it a 12th time.....

the reason is that both raws were taped in one week, so basically HHH couldnt be there for any of them for family business.

Oh BTW stephanies pregnat again.

Also thew raw main event was awsome i enjoed it throughly. im sick of hornswaggle, thank god he's getting chokeslamed on friday.
^You serious? I haven't been checking for news lately.

[Starts Chant] Triple H! Triple H! Triple H!
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Order of Eliminations:

1: Big Daddy V By Batista
2: The Great Khali By Undertaker after Undertaker used his Submission manuver
3: MVP By Finaly After Undertaker chokeslammed MVP from the top of a Pod onto the ring.
4: Finaly By Undertaker after a chokeslam onto the steel floor.
5:Batista by Undertaker after a Tombstone pile driver

1. Undertaker
2. Batista
3. Big Daddy V
4.The Great Khali
5. Finaly
6. MVP

Winner Undertaker: around 30 minutes in the chamber

Ric Flair Def Mr Kennedy By submission (via figure-four-leg-lock)

World Heavyweight Champion Edge Def Rey Mysterio after Mysterio was speared in mid-air To retain.

John Cena Def Randy Orton (c) Via DQ after Orton Slapped the referee
Titles cannot change via a DQ or countout.

Raw Elimination Chamber:
HHH def Jeff Hardy, HBK- shawn Michaels, Umaga, JBL and Y2J Chris Jericho
To go On to face the WWE champion @ WrestleMania XXIV

Order Of entrance:
1: Chris Jericho
2: Shawn Michaels
4: JBL
5: HHH
6: Jeff Hardy

Order Of eliminations:
1: JBL By Chris Jericho via the Codebreaker
2: Umaga Vis Chris Jericho After HHH hit the Pedigree, HBK Sweet chin musiced Jericho Codebroke and hardy swantoned all onto Umaga- Jericho got the pin.
3:Chris Jericho By Shawn Michaels Via Sweet Chin Music
4: Shawn Michaels By HHH after HHH hit a Pedigree and Hardy swantoned on HBK.
5: Jeff Hardy By HHH Via HHH pedigreeing Hardy on a steel Chair

Winner: HHH- Time 23:55 minutes.

Big show Returned to the WWE, He came to ringside and threated to chokeslam mysterio then Flyod Mayweather Jr Came in and landed Stiff uppercuts on Big shows nose and busting it open.

Use a mother fu(kin damn spoiler noob
Some of us havent seen it yet

For those that are cheap arseis ive got links to it online
PMs for it
Guess thats why Mysterio has to wrestle still last night, set up Big Shows Return and possible feuds. Sounds good to me.
SPECULATION [Storyline Spoilers]:

It definetly looks as though the Show is going to SD, which is great news. We can only hope that he can run Big Daddy V and The Great Khali out of town, because Big Show actually has talent.

Cena's win via DQ is enough confirmation for me that its going to be a three way at mania. I don't particularly like that news, but atleast Trips and Orton will keep the match from getting too stale with Cena. I fully expect Trips to come out on top, and we can only hope that he goes heel once he has the gold. I'm personally looking forward to a modern Trips/Jericho feud.

Flair has got to be put away at Mania, right?! It seems as though the up-and-coming guys [mainly talking about MVP and Kennedy] have already gotten their shot, so I'm really interested to see who's finally going to get the job done. Whoever it is, they're going to be recieving one of the biggest pushes EVER.

I understand that Vince wants to do an 'undefeated' gimmick with Edge and Taker [they're both undefeated at mania] but honestly, what is the point of having Taker in a main-event feud at mania? We all know he's going to win, you're just ruining one of the biggest matches of the year by giving away the ending...
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LevesqueIsKing said:
SPECULATION [Storyline Spoilers]:

It definetly looks as though the Show is going to SD, which is great news. We can only hope that he can run Big Daddy V and The Great Khali out of town, because Big Show actually has talent.

Cena's win via DQ is enough confirmation for me that its going to be a three way at mania. I don't particularly like that news, but atleast Trips and Orton will keep the match from getting too stale with Cena. I fully expect Trips to come out on top, and we can only hope that he goes heel once he has the gold. I'm personally looking forward to a modern Trips/Jericho feud, although Trips would be heel this time.

Flair has gotten to be put away at Mania, right?! It seems as though the up-and-coming guys [mainly MVP and Kennedy] have already gotten their shot, so I'm really interested to see who's finally going to get the job done. Whoever it is, they're going to be recieving one of the biggest pushes EVER.

I understand that Vince wants to do an 'undefeated' gimmick with Edge and Taker [they're both undefeated at mania] but honestly, what is the point of having Taker in a main-event feud at mania? We all know he's going to win, you're just ruining one of the biggest matches of the year by giving away the ending...

Big Show on Smackdown will be good, as Raw is too overrun with wrestlers and main guys already. Apparently at Mania it could be Floyd and Rey Vs. Big Show and Shane McMahon?

I wouldn't mind a triple threat match. It would be good, and I think all three men would perform in it well. HHH will no doubt be heel, and him and Jericho wouldn't be too bad. I think its time for both Cena and Orton to have non title feuds with people for a while, maybe still have one of them go to Smackdown.

Flair will go at Mania, I just don't know to who.
I thought maybe HHH would, but he is in the Main Event now. Maybe Michaels ? I honestly have no idea. Although rumors have said it will be Vince Vs. Flair at Mania, which I hope is not true.

And yes, if that is the case Undertaker will win.
But thats not too bad, Taker being champ is always good.
I do not expect Triple H to go heel until after mania. Orton is already a well-established heel, Triple H and Cena teaming up against him will serve as a good storyline.

I would be sorely disappointed if Michaels fought Flair at Mania. This is one of the biggest oppurtunities ever to push a young guy to the stars, and having a veteran take Flair out would be a complete waste of potential, in my eyes.
No no, your right.
It should be a younger guy or less proven wrestler, I just couldn't think of who it would be. I have been thinking all day :lol:
Some guy in my class is an ABSOLUTE FLAIR MARK. And He mentioned soemthing that made sense

Flair Winning the title off edge

Losing it against taker thus Ending career


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