Professional Wrestling Thread

It whould be nice if that happned

But I think the Undertaker needs to retire
I stoped watching a long time ago.
WWF and Early WWE WAY > than current WWE.
Sorry Sports (Entertainment) fans but it's true, oh it's true...
Tails McCloud~ said:
I stoped watching a long time ago.
WWF and Early WWE WAY > than current WWE.
Sorry Sports (Entertainment) fans but it's true, oh it's true...

Tails McCloud~ said:
I stoped watching a long time ago.
WWF and Early WWE WAY > than current WWE.
Sorry Sports (Entertainment) fans but it's true, oh it's true...
No one with a mind will deny that, Fox. We're living with what we've got.

Comments on Raw:

-I forgot to mention Paul Burchill last week. When this guy was on SD, I absolutely loved him. When he came to Raw, I didn't even recognize him, he used to be a near-cruiser! I am really missing his old finisher [got them in a 'rock bottom' type setup, and then backflipped with them hooked, so that the opponent landed back to the mat and he landed his stomach on theirs]. This finisher is decent, but it only has good impact against smaller opponents, as seen with Super Crazy this week [nothing was heard, because Super Crazy is bulky around the gut].
-Big Show had better not be on Raw. They can't get Jericho and him, no way in hell.
-All signs point to Michaels/Flair at Mania. Good call, Brandon.
-I was really expecting Triple H to go off on Cena, causing Cena to win the match by DQ. The ending of the ME was decent...
Yeah Raw was decent last night.

But your right. Big Show cannot stay on Raw, someone needs to go to Smackdown, either him or someone else. I don't usually watch Smackdown on a routine but would do so if someone I liked was going over.

Good call on the triple threat match Tyler.
I honestly never thought that would happen, I just figured Cena would have to wait his turn or something if he lost.

They didn't leave much in the way of suspense with the ladder qualifying matches eh? Hardy Vs. Snitsky?
Kennedy vs. Val Venis? :lol:
haha, they never do. They could have made it a bit more competitive, though.

And yeah, there's no way that Super Cena would miss mania [thats funny, coming from a Trips fan :rolleyes: ] I'm even beginning to get worried that he might have a chance of winning...
Poor Val
No into kinda ment he was gonna loose

Whats with this new brit ?
I dont think people from Chelsy sound like that
(Mind you Regal comes from Blackpool and people there anrt what youd call classy)

Burchill isn't new. He's been with the wwe for quite a few years.

His new character [particularly his size, gimmick, and talent] reminds me quite a bit of Triple H back in the day. You know, Jean-Paul Levesque?
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  • #116
what was the worst match at NoWayOut ?
IMO its Randy Orton vs Cena man its look more as if its a cat fight the only thing that i like in the match is that RKO slapped the ref and regained the tittle
I used to like wrestling but its so freakin fake and after a while it starts get boring! The only good thing WWE and ECW are the games, AT THERE REAL
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  • #118
will everybody knows that its fake but its supposed 2 be entertaining 4 ex when Y2J and HBK started the chamber match they were wrestling much better than Orton and Cena did(Champ & #1 Contender).
and i've noticed that Shawn started bleeding when JBL is about 2 get & it was dark also he was giving a cross-face 4 umaga
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hoogasian5 said:
I used to like wrestling but its so freakin fake and after a while it starts get boring! The only good thing WWE and ECW are the games, AT THERE REAL
Okay, bye now.

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