Pokemon of the Week

... You just lost yourself a like, you tasteless bastard.

Pun toats intended lololololololololol
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  • #380
He's probably lazier than you are, so I'm not worried. :lol:
I'm serperior to him in every way, including taste in aquatic life.

I wish I could do a Gen VI Pokemon of the week, but we don't know their stats or anything yet. :/
I'm serperior to him in every way, including taste in aquatic life.

I wish I could do a Gen VI Pokemon of the week, but we don't know their stats or anything yet. :/
Well, it could be just based off of facts like some of them I've read.
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  • #382
Nah. I'll wait until we have more information, I'd like the article to be on more than just design. Besides, I don't care for any of the Gen VI 'Mons yet outside of Sylveon and the bird legend.
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  • #384
Yes, Yveltal is pretty slick, imo. I don't love it or anything, I just like it. I find it hard to love any legendary; the only exceptions are Lugia, Jirachi, Rayquaza, and Kyurem. And maybe Regice.
Pray to Arceus and the RNG may yet deliver another legendary... or not.

Should this be my job?

Anyway, you're late, Neosquid.

Use VMs, ya lil' ****.

I'm only one day late this time, but you fail to point out how Dirge is over a week late!?


... I've been busy. srsly. Y'all know how bad my memory is when I'm not constantly preoccupied. ;_;

He's probably lazier than you are, so I'm not worried. :lol:

dis is tru

I'm serperior to him in every way, including taste in aquatic life.

You can never drop the topic of bein' serperior t' me. Somethin' tells me you've got a lovely case'a them inferiority complexes... it certainly does befit a Sharpedo Guru.
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  • #390
[strike]But cheating in secret is much more fun then letting the machine do it for me...[/strike]

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