Pokemon of the Week

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  • #361
I'm pretty sure what CK's point is, is that pokes go down so fast in OU defence don't matter.

(Excuse me, defense for all the 'MURICA peeps)
Only sometimes.
I'll still never understand how ya have that much **** memorized, 'Karp almighty... Wish my memory functioned so well. ._.;

I said Stunfisk's problem lies in it's BST, and I quite meant it. Many'a the Pokes you listed are not only as bulky or bulkier than Stunfisk, but hit a lot harder. If not, these Pokes (SkarmBliss, for example) are likely noticeably bulkier. If Stunfisk had 60 more points shoved into it's BST, when put in the right places, that'd go a long way. That's been my point.
Valid point. Stunfisk has pretty average offensive power.
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  • #371
That was before we started to be realistic.

Anyways, I was gone the entire day today, cut me some slack.
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  • #374
Pokemon of the Week #23
(I'm counting the one with Sharpedo/Stunfisk as #22 unless it really wasn't supposed to be)



Beartic, the Freezing Pokemon. It freezes its breath to create fangs and claws of ice to fight with. Very able in the water, it swims around in northern seas and catches prey. They love the cold seas of the north. They create pathways across the ocean waters by freezing their own breath.

I quite like Beartic for some reason. I have no particular liking for polar bears, I just like its design. I'm not crazy about its sprites, though. While I like the design, it's not very creative (it's better then another bear). This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as an uncreative design is not the same as a bad design. Though Dirge will disagree with me, it's one of my favorite Ice types. I've never been much for the "pretty" ice types, things like Lapras, Froslass, and Glaceon don't appeal to me all that much. Beartic's badass design is part of why I like it.

Competitively, Beartic doesn't have much going for it. It's an Ice type, which is a horrible typing defensively. It's also quite slow (normally). However, it has some tricks up its sleeve which can actually make it better then a lot of other Ice types. For one, it's more bulky then most Ice types. While its bulk is not fantastic by any means, it can survive most attacks and retaliate with that high physical attack. Another thing it has going for it is its decent movepool. Most Ice types have pretty bad movepools, and while Beartic's movepool isn't amazing, it's good for an ice type. It is capable of using all of the following to good effect: Icicle Crash, Avalanche, Superpower, Aqua Jet, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Focus Punch, Bulk Up, and maybe a few more depending on what you consider to be viable. Indeed, Beartic has a good movepool for an Ice type, and an outstanding movepool for a pure Ice type. Beartic also has Swift Swim, being one of the two non Water types (alongside Armaldo) to get it. This can make it viable on a rain team, though it does lack any physical Water moves outside of the risky Dive. You could use Surf, I guess, but Beartic has a low Sp. Attack.

Cubchoo, the Chill Pokemon. Their snot is a barometer of health. It sniffs the snot back up because the mucus provides the raw material for its moves. When healthy, their snot is sticky and the power of their ice moves increases. When it is not feeling well, its mucus gets watery and the power of its Ice-type moves decreases.

Cubchoo is a cute little Pokemon. I think it's adorable how its nose is always running like that. It's a cute little play on getting sick in chilly conditions, only this time, the runny nose can be considered a good thing!

I don't know what to say about it competitively. It's a decent pre evo I guess, with no great stats outside of physical attack. It lacks quite a few of Beartic's moves, as well as Swift Swim, getting the not-so-great Rattled instead. I think Rattled would be better on a Psychic type, so if the Pokemon was hit to an attack it was weak to (Bug, Dark, or Ghost), its speed would increase, letting it take on its attacker easier. Cubchoo, sadly, is not a Psychic type, so it might as well be using Snow Cloak.
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I'll write my PotW tomorrow.

It freezes its breath to create fangs and claws of ice to fight with. They create pathways across the ocean waters by freezing their own breath.

Beartic is suddenly twice as cool. pun toats intended lololololololololol

Though I felt the same way 'bout Beartic as I did Ursaring at first, I've slowly warmed up to it (... I'm on a roll[out]). Indeed, it's design is very simple but "complexity" ain't exactly synonymous with "good" anyways. It is what it is, and considerin' it's an Ice-type, I somewhat like it. Not incredibly so, but I do like it a tad.

I've never been much for the "pretty" ice types, things like Froslass and Glaceon don't appeal to me all that much.

... You just lost yourself a like, you tasteless bastard.

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