Pokemon of the Week

*googles Spiritomb*



Spiritomb's cool in both design and lore... though it certainly doesn't seem so if deprived of said lore.
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Spiritomb coming later today. We may have multiple Pokemon posted within a short time frame.
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Pokemon of the Week # 108



Spiritomb, the [strike]inferior Sableye[/strike] Forbidden Pokemon. Its constant mischief and misdeeds resulted in it being bound to an Odd Keystone by a mysterious spell. It is composed of 108 spirits.

Ah, Spiritomb. How I dislike you. Though, recently I've started to not dislike it as much. The whole reason I dislike it in the first place is due to it overshadowing Sableye in Generation IV, which is fairly biased, I admit. Looking at it again, it actually has a fairly cool design (though it pales in comparison to Sableye's). It also has a fairly interesting backstory, and good stats.

Competitively, Spiritomb is pretty average. In generation IV, it had the unique property of being the only Pokemon without weaknesses that had decent stats. It also had good defenses, decent offenses, and a fair movepool. Its slowness didn't really matter since it was designed to be a tank. It could viably run a defensive set, a Rest + Sleep Talk set, a Choice Band set, and more, thanks to those good stats. It could even use Shadow Sneak and/or Sucker Punch to overcome its horrible speed. Overall, Spiritomb was a great Pokemon in the UU metagame.

Thankfully everything changed in Generation V, where Sableye got Prankster, skyrocketing it into UU, passing Spiritomb by a tier. Sableye had lower stats, but it had Prankster and Recover, two attributes which allow it to essentially take hits much better then Spiritomb. Sableye also got Foul Play, which somewhat made up for its lack of offensive power, allowing it to hit brutes like Darmanitan on the switch in for massive damage. Not only this, but Eelektross was introduced, which had slightly lower defenses but significantly higher offenses. Spiritomb got basically no new tools to make up for this extra competition, and although it ended up being more successful then Eelektross, Sableye outclassed it completely. Oh, delightful irony.
Pokemon of the Week # 108

i c wut u did thar. Though I am disappoint ya didn't go into how Spiritomb relates t' Buddhism.

That aside, I certainly like Spiritomb. For a sentient being that comprises of 108 evil souls, you'd think it'd be a lot stronger as well as more sinister lookin' (it's not exactly intimidating)... That's my only gripe with it's design though, I quite like both it and the lore it's design is based around. Then again, I'm biased for Dark types so that's t' be expected.

I wouldn't mind seein' Spiritomb get an evolution eventually. Namely it bein' released from the keystone to become some far more hideous and nasty lookin' 'mon(ster). With it's wholesome inferiority to Sableye when it comes t' competitive battlin', I'd say there's good reason for it t' get a late evolution.
Do you really think that Spiritomb, after all of this time, will still get an evo? I think he's too old for a new addition.
I've always liked Spiritomb because of how it is essentially a Philosopher's Stone from FullMetal Alchemist.

Watch that anime if you haven't (FMA: Brotherhood).
I've always liked Spiritomb because of how it is essentially a Philosopher's Stone from FullMetal Alchemist.

Watch that anime if you haven't (FMA: Brotherhood).
Does not remind me at all of a Philosopher's stone
Yeah I get that there is a soul in the stone but does that equate it with Soul Gems from the Elder Scrolls
Pokemon of the Week #19 (1/22/2013)

Rampardos, the Head Butt Pokemon. Its skull is as hard as iron. It is a brute that tears down jungle trees while catching prey. Its powerful headbutt has enough power to shatter even the most durable things upon impact. If two were to smash their heads together, their foot-thick skulls would keep them from fainting. Due to the thickness of its cranium, its brain never gets the chance to grow.

Rampardos is anythin' but a rampart; rather, he likes t' tear 'em down with that monstrous attack; but that nonsense is for the competitive section. :lol: Based on the Pachycephalosaurus, it's origins aren't exactly exciting and it's design, as well as dull Rock typing, keep it from bein' extravagant or particularly interesting... with that said, I think the simple design Trollfreak went with, as well as Rampardos' equally simple color scheme, are executed well. I like it's desgin somewhat, not that I care for the lore behind it all.

I do have fond memories usin' one though, let me tell ya. :lol: I'd only just discovered the hidden numbers 'n equations of Pogeymanz in '06. My first "competitive" team for DP in '07 had a Rampardos on it. The unparalleled strategy? ... Use a Ninjask with a Focus Sash and Protect t' throw up Swords Dance and +2 Speed, Baton Pass t' somethin' else that further increased Attack and Speed, then Baton Pass t' Rampardos to sweep.

... It didn't ****in' work. I was so bloody disappointed when my first Wi-fi battle on Battle Revolution was such a blatant failure. :lol: Rampardos missed it's very first Stone Edge and was OHKO'd by it's foe. 'Least my first competitive team was an attempt at somethin' interesting... Back to the drawing board I went. Thus, I never used Rampardos again. But 'ey, t'is a memory I won't forget any time soon.

In the competitive venue, Rampardos is as the above illustrates: a glass ****in' cannon. Hit things hard before you're hit hard because of your **** defenses. Before DP's release, Rampardos was predicted to be one'a the most monstrous of beasts that would tear OU apart whenever given the chance. He fell very short of that prediction to say the least. A Choice Scarf gave 'em acceptable speed, but only with a Jolly nature, leaving 'em at the not-so-blistering 429 Atk maximum. Bad defenses, acceptable speed and really good Attack don't make for much of a threat on it's own. Rampardos needed to either Rock Polish or get Baton Passed some Speed/Trick Room to do the serious damage it has the potential to inflict (in the latter case, Marowak is often preferable anyways). With the inability to do all-that much on it's own besides smashing anythin' really slow, it was relegated to UU as a result. Where it's Base 165 Atk is downright terrifying and will make any Poke Sludge Bomb their pants if they're without a 4x Rock resist. Oh, and Platinum gave Rampardos absolutely ****-all.

Come BW, Rampardos actually drops another tier due to the immense power shift both OU and UU experience; it's gigantic Attack wasn't that gigantic in BW UU. In NU however, it damn-right it. As mentioned above, the only thing Rampardos can reliably do on it's own is ram it's head into bulky, slow targets... Which it still does quite well, if not better in his new metagame. It didn't really receive any new tools, but it doesn't need anything besides it's ginormous power to do it's job anyways. It also quite hilariously can utilize it's Dream World ability Sheer Force, as well as Special attacks to do away with Physical walls that might annoy it: namely those pesky Grass types. Considering how huge it's Attack is even when uninvested, Head Smash still smashes things into pieces even when it's SpA is the only attack stat gettin' bolstered. As a result, if for some reason Rampardos can't break everythin' through brute force, it can instead lure in Physical walls and troll 'em with a super-effective Special Attack. Rampardos does TyraniBOAH proud. :lol:
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  • #283
I like Rampardos, after Omastar it's my favorite fossil.

Choice Band Rampardos is a blast in NU.
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  • #285
Excuse me,

"It's just smashing to use Rampardos in NU!"

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