Pokemon of the Week

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Pokemon of the Week #17 (1/??/2013)






... Wait no, that ain't right.



click here 4 background musix (Samuel Oak text-to-speech voice sold separately)​

Ninetales, the Fox Pokemon. This Pokémon is highly intelligent - it can understand human speech. It can live for a thousand years. According to an enduring legend, nine noble saints were united and reincarnated as this Pokémon. Another legend claims that each of its nine beautiful tails has its own unique type of special mystic power. A long-lived Ninetales will have fur that shines like gold.

Good ol' [STRIKE]Ninetails[/STRIKE] Ninetales. Fun fact: it can be considered the feminine counterpart to Arcanine. A fan-favorite Fire-type, Ninetales has been popular since ye olden days of RBY. I quite like Ninetales (and Vulpix as well) myself, t'is definitely one of if not my favorite Fire-types, right up there with Chandelure. It's design stays true to the lore it's based off of and succeeds at what it's tryin' to do: be an elegant lookin' Fire-type. It certainly represents that genwun simple-but-effective designs many a gamer remember and love.

As for it's design origins, Ninetales' lore is as Japanese as Pokemon get. It's based on the Kitsune of Japanese mythology; more specifically the Kyuubi, or Nine-tailed fox. Besides it's name alluding to it's nine tails as well as the Nine-tailed fox legend, the name might also be based on the Pokedex entry of nine sages being reincarnated as the first Ninetales... which is to say, the lives and tales of these nine sages became a Ninetales. Hell, it's name might be referencing all three.

It's design will win them Pokepageants, but competitively Ninetales ain't all-that hot (yep... you'd expect better puns from me? :lol: ). In the days of retro goodness, like every other Fire-type, Ninetales was relegated to the unappealing Underused tier: but only because of the metagame. It has an interesting; and thoroughly annoying; niche that should never be underestimated. When it's not being walled by Chansey and ubiquitous Water and Rock types, it's causing havoc with it's high Special and Speed stats. Moltres has a notably stronger Fire Blast, but unlike any other Fire-types, Ninetales has Confuse Ray. Get a lucky Paralysis off of Body Slam (every Gen 1 Pokemon had the move, low Attack or not), confuse 'em and let the party begin with Fire Spin. If Fire Spin misses, they're hilariously unlikely to hit anyways. Because of it's high speed, this makes Ninetales a horribly frustrating trapper to deal with. If the foe's last Pokemon is already paralyzed and you've got a Ninetales waiting in the wings, they're in some deep ****. Fire-typing was and is still just-plain bad though, so despite Ninetales' usefulness, the metagame kept it out of OU.

Come GSC, Ninetales still remained in UU... this time for good reason. Fire was still an underwhelming type due to the metagame; it's Special Attack being lower than last generation didn't do it any favors either. Fire Spin could no longer stop the foe from moving. Fire Blast's new inaccuracy meant gettin' a lucky burn on Rock types was harder. It now had Hypnosis, but that didn't at all make up for the usefulness it lost; 'specially not with multiple OU staple Pokemon knowing the move as well, like Gengar. And thus, everything begins to go down hill... Game Freak is 'bout to bear Ninetales' Grudge.

RSE helped Ninetales a tad, but once again, Fire-typing is all that the metagame needs t' keep any STAB wild fires a Pokemon creates under control and in the lackluster tier of UU. It did get Grudge and Will-O-Wisp as some new tools, but Ninetales' stats and movepool simply aren't impressive. The fact it actually runs Grudge is a testament to this; it can be useful or even game-changing, but it's by no means an Explosion. Low-tier it stays.

DP was cold-hearted to Ninetales; as it was to many Pokemon featured in the thread; bringing about Stealth Rock and the ultimate OU Fire-type named Heatran: not to mention the ever-dangerous Infernape, both of which are neutral to Stealth Rock thanks to their secondary typing. The Special/Physical split made Pokemon like Blaziken a tad more dangerous while giving Ninetales nothing, furthering it's lack of gifts into the new generation... But speakin' of gifts, the boons of Energy Ball and Choice Specs helped make it pack more of a punch to more opposing threats. Platinum also gave it Nasty Plot for non-Specs sets. Combined with Hypnosis and Ninetales could quickly become a surprisingly dangerous threat: in UU. Poor Ninetales (stealthily) hit rock bottom and ended up in NU. It had a unique and certainly good movepool for a Fire-type, but there were so bloody many Fire-types in the lower tiers that it'd often lose a team slot due to having lower stats. A sad fate indeed.

... Come Generation 5, everything changed. Ninetales was cast from obscurity to fame literally overnight thanks to it's new Dream World ability in Drought, previously accessible solely to the banned Uber Groudon. Just like Politoed, it jumped straight into OU with a vengeance, creating the weather-based metagame of today. You'd think Groudon and Kyogre were no longer banned. :lol: Though Politoed/Water-typing in general is arguably more useful overall, Sun teams simply would not be used without Ninetales. It's new ability alone is what gives it usability. Aside from Drought, it received literally no noteworthy new moves or toys, except maybe Air Balloon. That ability certainly is enough to keep it OU though; 'specially when Rain teams can't use Swift Swift and Drizzle at the same time, whereas Drought and Chlorophyll are perfectly legal. Trollfreak narrowly avoided bein' cursed for a thousand years.

Which reminds me, I still need t' experiment with a Sunny Day team...
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Ninetales is pretty, but I don't like it that much. Dunno why.

Magcargo is best fire type.

....I forgot to do mine again.

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