Pokemon History

I think I understand now. Sorry for any inconvienience.
what I see
What I see

I think I understand now. Sorry for any inconvienience.

Inconvenience? Not at all, bro. A debate of any kind, of any length, is my pleasure t' engage in. There's a dirty joke in there somewhere...

Since I'm a preacher who never knows when the **** t' shut up, I give my closing statement to anyone who doesn't follow. Me 'n Nick have quite clear differences in our opinions, both based on unique bias, experience and perceptions. How do we tell whom is more correct? Eliminating bias. Otherwise it's a circle jerk of either opinions smackin' into each other or philosophies countering the other endless. Finding truth that ain't absolute is always a rocky road when perception is the subject matter to divine, but it's better than havin' nothin' but opinions.

Unless your personal preferences give no ****s 'bout this matter, 'course.

... So, this toats has nothin' to do with Pokemon. dat off topic but not really debate
Since I'm a preacher who never knows when the **** t' shut up
Me too bro

I can rant and rave all day without tiring
I should work to become a lawyer or a Senator or somebody who gets payed a lot for saying nothing in fifteen different ways. Filibusters and all
njoy ur doublethink

Me too bro

I can rant and rave all day without tiring
I should work to become a lawyer or a Senator or somebody who gets payed a lot for saying nothing in fifteen different ways. Filibusters and all

I considered the same thing at one point (for teh moneyz), but realized I wasn't enough of a lyin', scandalous asshat to be a man of law or a politician.
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So by your logic, Skyrim is an absolutely fantastic game due to the sheer volume of quests? No, **** that noise. Your opinion is indeed as such and I can't contest that much. But I can damn-well argue with you usin' all that blatant bias to put the series on a winner's podium. I love Pokemon 'till death do us part, but do I put it anywhere near games like Red Dead Redemption or Shadow of the Colossus? Gods no. You can't have an excellent game when it's sacrificing; or in Pokemon's case, simply ignoring; one important quality and instead bolstering another. Quantity does not replace quality. Would you rather have another 500 Pokemon introduced in XY, or a truly fantastic, work of art plot with just Pokemon already introduced and only the new Pokes that've been revealed? If ya answer "the former", you can just skip replyin' to my post bro.

No, it don't. When it comes t' accurately reviewing a game, bias needs to be overlooked much as humanly possible. Otherwise you've got imbeciles reviewin' trash like Sonic '06 as a 10/10. An experience with a game is not the same as that game's true value. One pertains to the individual, the other is static and guaranteed. Just 'cause Pogeymanz is my favoritest series evar doesn't mean I'mma go on 'bout how it's the greatest; 'cause it's damn-well not. My greatest gaming experience (which isn't Pokemon, mind you) is terrible for someone else. Personal preferences are garbage in the topic of assessing a game's actual worth.

Gotta get t' playin' FF6 just so I can disagree with ya more. :trollkarp:

And my point is that your point, is utterly ****in' moot and should be shunned indefinitely. Absolute truth on such a matter obviously ain't obtainable since "art" and "masterpiece" are unique perceptions in their own right, but we can damn-well come to a more conclusive fact than opinions bein' thrown around haphazardly. Pokemon might be a bloody 10 for ya, but in reality it simply isn't deserving of said 10. Rate a game based on the quality, not the experience.

Who the fuck voted these games for "a masterpiece story"? :lol:

You've misunderstood my point. Unintentionally twisted my words a tad as well. I never said the story makes the RPG; a story can't really carry any typical game on it's own in fact, a game has t' be made in quite a unique way for gameplay and relevant qualities of a game t' be heavily ignored in favor for just plot. Heavy Rain's a good example (disregarding how good the game actually is, since I haven't played it) in that the gameplay is just quick time events 'n choices: the story is properly made the sole focus of the game.

I ain't talkin' 'bout great quality games either, I'm talkin' 'bout masterpieces. Works of video game art. No game is a masterpiece if it has any of it's major qualities so flawed as Pokemon's (lack of) plot. "One of the greatest" is essentially "one of the masterpieces", gaming has been 'round too long t' not have a top 10 list wherein games like Pokemon are nowhere near the top ('cept maybe RBY, but that's a very different; even contradictory; topic).

I didn't intend to twist your words, i misunderstood.
bottom line, growing up on those classic open world, walk in peoples houses and take their stuff, exciting battle system RPG's, pokemon fits exactly into that class, which to me is an era of RPGs that were the best. So to me, its one of the few quality RPGs', and its managed to stick around forever and continually add good things to the each installment.
And yet through all this time they've stuck 'round, it's taken 'em 10 years t' start on anythin' resembling a good plot. Gotta wonder what the **** Game Freak's been doin' (... 'sides enjoyin' their pools of money).

So to me,

My point exactly. :lol:
I'm always gone when the **** hits the ceiling....

Um, well, it's not too late. Maybe.

Pokemon should also have improved gameplay. The combat in particular is very lacking and rather dull than what we find in other games.
For one, turn based gameplay is slower than most other forms. Attack once, wait while the other makes a move. You must've noticed that while you played the other RPG's you own. With a 3D world, a reworked combat approach would help.

Which brings me diversity. FFVI(as well as other games) for example, had unique character with their own special abilities. Pokemon overall contains the same pool of moves for many of their characters. Having unique gameplay mechanics for certain Pokemon is also great.

Then there's the slow process of building your character. I'm not even sure how that works due to competitiveness, but it's a pain. Having hidden stats to keep track of isn't fun either. Or avoiding battles to prevent earning the wrong stats.
For one, turn based gameplay is slower than most other forms. Attack once, wait while the other makes a move. You must've noticed that while you played the other RPG's you own. With a 3D world, a reworked combat approach would help.
I think that faster combat would be nice.

Which brings me diversity. FFVI(as well as other games) for example, had unique character with their own special abilities. Pokemon overall contains the same pool of moves for many of their characters. Having unique gameplay mechanics for certain Pokemon is also great.
I think there's plenty of diversity. There's a fair amount of Pokemon with unique gameplay mechanics, and even for the more normal ones, even they have some unique things they can do. With 600+ Pokemon, not all of them can be completely unique.

Then there's the slow process of building your character. I'm not even sure how that works due to competitiveness, but it's a pain. Having hidden stats to keep track of isn't fun either. Or avoiding battles to prevent earning the wrong stats.
In game you don't need to keep track of that stuff though. It's really only for competitive.
Pokemon should also have improved gameplay. The combat in particular is very lacking and rather dull than what we find in other games.

needz moar difficulty

For one, turn based gameplay is slower than most other forms. Attack once, wait while the other makes a move. You must've noticed that while you played the other RPG's you own. With a 3D world, a reworked combat approach would help.

There's definitely room t' improve on (casual) Pokemon battling, but in the end I feel the tried 'n true turn-based battling the series is known for shouldn't have this formula changed all-that much. Changes here 'n there to increase depth like the Physical/Special split of Gen 4, the introduction of abilities in Gen 3... Things of that nature I'd have no qualms and encourage Game Freak t' continue introducing. Anythin' bigger might be pushin' it though.

Which brings me diversity. FFVI(as well as other games) for example, had unique character with their own special abilities. Pokemon overall contains the same pool of moves for many of their characters. Having unique gameplay mechanics for certain Pokemon is also great.

As the ugly squid-shark said, it's quality over quantity when it comes t' this matter... I fear it's too late t' give 649 (soon to be even more) species of Pokes any further uniqueness when it comes to battling capabilities. Not down to every individual Pokemon/Evolution line, anyways. I'm sure there'd be some sort'a interesting mechanics that could be introduced on a wider scale (based on typing, egg groups, etc.), but I ain't got any particular ideas in mind myself.

Then there's the slow process of building your character. I'm not even sure how that works due to competitiveness, but it's a pain. Having hidden stats to keep track of isn't fun either. Or avoiding battles to prevent earning the wrong stats.

In game you don't need to keep track of that stuff though. It's really only for competitive.

^ This. If someone competitively battles, they won't use Pokemon raised in-game that were used to go through the story. Their unique stats will be hilariously lower than if they were properly bred for competitive battling and are thus unusable (yes, literally one point in HP or Attack is actually important far more often than you'd think)/the hidden stats will be ****ed up since there's simply no way t' avoid every single battle which would increase the wrong stat.

Raising Pokemon for competitive battling is actually a lot easier in BW2. A shitton of game mechanics were introduced to make the training process amazingly easy; all ya need is a small fortune of Pokedollars and you can have a fully trained Poke in literally a few minutes. Breeding high-quality 'mons is still a right pain in the arse, but still easier than it was in BW1.
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