OMG, I'm grounded!

zachp18 said:
hey, thanks for all the responses! My mom has decided to let me play everything on the weekends though.:) And I can go on wiichat in the mornings on school days too. so i've decided i'm going to just study my but off and get my grade up.
Awesome for you dude, good choice.

I knew your Mom would go weak on you soon...didn't think this soon. xD
That's the worst thing I've ever heard.

Dang, I wish I was like you guys..... I'd ground MYSELF if I got a B on something....

ha ha, mario_strikers is my new best friend

I like friends. Lol
hey its like almost Summer...DAMN (for you!)
I have like a D in every class...I just dont show my parents my grades so im alright!
Anyways you could go outside

Are you serious? I'd be in the slauter house if I was like you. :eek:ut:
hi, I'm new at this thing.. could someone tell me what can I do exactly on here, like how do I start a thread?
THis is not the place for this type of post.

for your specific question, try the site feedback section. read the tuts in there.
That sir, is not the attitude you want for this forum. You will be thrown under the bus in a matter of days.
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At our school system, we have a downloadable program where you can look at your kid's grades online.:mad: so that's how she found out about the D.
zachp18 said:
I just got grounded from anything that basicly has a screen. ( that includes tv, video games, and computer which i am on while my mom is in the shower and my dad is at target. So I have nothing to do.:cryin: yesterday I sat in my room and bounced a ping pong ball against my wall for 4 hours.:sick: I am so bored! So I got grounded because I had a D in science, and my mom says "you can either get your grade up to a B, or wait untill the end of the school year (which is still one month) before you can do anything". So if you can give me any suggestions on what I can do It would be great.

Here's a suggestion, get some mates.
Joe said:
Yep Im in Middle School and its great!
...well sort of..... but I have to go to high school next year :sad:
thats the same thing with me! but i get A's in math B's in Science C/D in english D in french and F in Music... and i am going to HS next year too :'( i better get my a$$ in shape for next year...

PS. i just tell my parents that MS doesn't count and i am going to do better next year :p
PSS. These Forums helped my english :p
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