OMG, I'm grounded!

Don't you think you could do something else perhaps?
Soccer, Basketball There are a lot of things you can do besides video games.
Oh and is your computer SCREEN too bright?:ihih:
When I got a D in science my mum gave me a cake for trying

That is pathedic. I get a ' Good Job ' from my parents if I get an A
The_Loose_Cannon said:
god bless parenting :)

atleast yours are strict and not liberal parents. youll thank them for that in the long run i swear.

what i used to do is read when i was your age and grounded. either that, or i listened to my radio very low. i also used to doodle and just play with my toys.

theres plenty to do its just that you kids now adays are spoiled by so much so it seems like theres nothing to do :(

btw, what are you doing indoors?!! here in NY, its about 80 degrees and beautiful! get up and do something. maybe hang out with your mom or go with your dad next time he goes out to target or shops again.

dont worry, just work hard and get that B :) a D is not acceptable and i think you know that

Honestly I'm still young, but I'm already afraid of raising kids these days. I feel like I'm going to be either too strict or too lenient. If my kid got a D it would depend on whether he's trying or not. But I agree, a D is not acceptable. You have another month including final exams and stuff, you should be able to get that up. Like someone said ask your teacher if there is anything you can do to get your grade up, I'm sure they'll try and help improve your grade if you're willing to make the effort. One month is a long time, I'm sure you can take up a new hobby, perhaps science. :p
Byuakuya said:
My parents tend to hand over money depending on my grades. £100 for an A, £80 for a B and £60 for a C. I don't get any money if I go below that.
Anyway, I would advice that you spent this much "free, bored time" studying to pull your grades up.

That's the worst thing I've ever heard.

Dang, I wish I was like you guys..... I'd ground MYSELF if I got a B on something....

ha ha, mario_strikers is my new best friend :lol:
En4Neo said:
You get that much money for a C? IMO you shouldn't get any lol.
Yeah, life is good. I got a few B grades but mostly A grades. The result: The pounds are rolling into my bank account. :lol:
Perhaps instead of whining and moping around like a little wuss you could, I dunno, study science...
Skorp said:
Honestly I'm still young, but I'm already afraid of raising kids these days. I feel like I'm going to be either too strict or too lenient. If my kid got a D it would depend on whether he's trying or not. But I agree, a D is not acceptable. You have another month including final exams and stuff, you should be able to get that up. Like someone said ask your teacher if there is anything you can do to get your grade up, I'm sure they'll try and help improve your grade if you're willing to make the effort. One month is a long time, I'm sure you can take up a new hobby, perhaps science. :p

im going to rule with an iron fist jsut like my dad did. however my parents were rather absent but they still were hard on me for not doing my work and not doing well in school (IE i was sent to private school because of it- and the fact that my mom became religious late in life after her divorce from my dad)

anyways, my dad enforced alot of things like no tv after 9, after 10 on weekends or if i wanted to stay up late it had to be reading a book things of that nature.

if i did anything below a B- (sometimes a C depending on the subject like math, i was never good in math), i got a swift kick to the behind and i wasnt allowed to do anything like watch tv or play video games ect.

its all heart too like you wrote. if i talk to a teacher and they say "oh your son/daughter just isnt understanding the concept but they are trying" thats another thing. if its "they dont give 2 sh*ts" oh you best believe your ass is getting extra help lol.

but for right now? i got a 3 year old shih tzu, hes my "son" right now lmao
Gymdawg said:
Perhaps instead of whining and moping around like a little wuss you could, I dunno, study science...


@ loose. I could just see it now. *ponders*. You being a cop with super liberal parents. :rolleyes:

Private school pwns! :cornut: :cornut: If you don't try, you are basically disowned.
My advice: use your games when your parents are not looking! HAHA. Really just work hard and get better grades, and if you do very good, i'm sure your parents will give you your games back.

If you are too lazy to work, then just read a book or something.

I highly suggest that you bring your grades up.
Hmm...i'm gonna go with get the grade? Instead of taking the lame-ass road of just giving up and just saying "Bah, i'm too dumb." STUDY and get the damn grade, it'll make you parents proud and that makes it easier/better on you, as well as getting the groundage lifted sooner.
really i dont know what else we can tell you to do.
if you want to be naughty:
If you have a Gameboy or DS you can play that in the washroom!
He's not even going to see any of this until he's un-grounded anyway, lolz.

This is kind of worthless. :/

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