OMG, I'm grounded!

hey its like almost Summer...DAMN (for you!)
I have like a D in every class...I just dont show my parents my grades so im alright!
Anyways you could go outside :lol:
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Joe said:
hey its like almost Summer...DAMN!
I have like a D in every class...I just dont show my parents my grades so im alright!
Anyways you could go outside :lol:
.....does the word "Grounded" need definition???
Joe said:
hey its like almost Summer...DAMN (for you!)
I have like a D in every class...I just dont show my parents my grades so im alright!
Anyways you could go outside :lol:

Well I hope you're not in highschool then, lol.

It's ok to get bad grades in middle school though.
En4Neo said:
Well I hope you're not in highschool then, lol.

It's ok to get bad grades in middle school though.
Lol, I know. We're so lucky that Middle School grades don't count. I do have a couple classes though that count for high-school credit if I get good enough grades.

My friend didn't even care about his grades last year and before that (middle, elementary). Now he's in high school and gets all "A"'s. :lol: Whatta nerd. Then again, i'm in middle school getting all "A"'s, so...
Yep Im in Middle School and its great!
...well sort of..... but I have to go to high school next year :sad:
Syntax said:
go to the mall..hang out with friends etc.

Wow I wish I lived in a urban area. But i'm stuck in a rural piece of crap town. Anyways I love Middle School. And it's fun having a middle and high school in one. And the still only being around 300 kids :). I usually get B's or C's. But a A in math. Math is just too easy. I doubt i'll get in much trouble for getting crappy grades. Cause my sister wasn't quite the brightest cookie.
Mom: "So honey, did you get your report card today?"

Me: "*cough* Ya, about that..."

Mom: "Did you get a bad grade?!?!!!?!??!? *glares*"

Me: "C'mon Mom, you know me!....fine ya I got an everything. My teacher put a quintuple F minus here, what the hell is that about?..."

Mom: "....well it's okay honey."

Me: "SAY WAAA?!"

Mom: "Yes...there's an alternative road for little boys like you. I think you'll like it, let me go get the brochure they sent us."

Me: "Sweet, she's not mad!..."

Mom: "Here we are, Georgia Militant Military Discipline School/Slave Labor."

Me: ".....$#@&"
bubba-ga-nush said:
Wow I wish I lived in a urban area. But i'm stuck in a rural piece of crap town. Anyways I love Middle School. And it's fun having a middle and high school in one. And the still only being around 300 kids :). I usually get B's or C's. But a A in math. Math is just too easy. I doubt i'll get in much trouble for getting crappy grades. Cause my sister wasn't quite the brightest cookie.

Ha ha, I'm the one setting the precedent for my stupid sister... :cool: :smilewinkgrin: :D
School is... school. I thought once I got into college, I'd be learning something useful from the start.
Well, at least I can build a pyramid rocket ship if need be. God knows I'll have to sometime.
Man, I wish Huey Freeman was in charge of the U.S.
Man that sucks lol.

Well with me my first sister was pregnant when she was 16 and dropped out of school, now she works in a fish and chip show every day :/

My second sister basicly stopped going to school when she was like 13, she got kicked out when she was 12 and went to another school for like 6 months, she'd miss school to go work in the pub/restraunt, dinner time some teachers would go there for food so the boss would have to hide her in the kitchen. So yeah, she's a chav with a kid and another one on the way with a shitty little council flat and a arse of a boyfriend who can't hold a job.

Then there's me, passed all my GCSE's, and stayed on in school, well, went to college and am now doing my A Levels.. so yeah lol, my family thinks I'm the good one.

Well not really my parents, but my grand-parents sure do =]

Just dont worry about it, try your best that's all you can do :)
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hey, thanks for all the responses! My mom has decided to let me play everything on the weekends though.:) And I can go on wiichat in the mornings on school days too. so i've decided i'm going to just study my but off and get my grade up.
zachp18 said:
hey, thanks for all the responses! My mom has decided to let me play everything on the weekends though.:) And I can go on wiichat in the mornings on school days too. so i've decided i'm going to just study my but off and get my grade up.
Godd for you!......Now what do we talk about?

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