What is longest period you've been grounded for, and how long?

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I agree with Napalmbrain. I'm a responsible kid. I have a 4.0 average in school (thats an A), help around the house and keep a job. I don't see why on Friday nights I can chill and enjoy some brew. My mom has a negative sentiment towards drinking because her dad died of alcoholism.

In all irony, I've been caught smoking pot before too and she was more mad about the alcohol....

and to all you who've been whipped I feel you. I'm Indian-American and us Indians are never shy of the belt or backhand hahah
Well if people are responsible with their drinks then I don't see any problem with a lower age limit, and people are always gonna drink underage regardless. What's needed is the right culture, not the right age limit- look at southern Europe, where the drinking ages are typically around 16-18, but they don't have any huge problems with binge drinking (except by tourists).
And you're suggesting that the United States can change its culture and become more responsible as quickly as we can get the age limit changed?

The U.S. doesn't change. I am one of those pessimists that believes that alcohol will always be abused, if not by the masses then by a significant portion. I don't know how one can assume that a reduction in the age limit will spark an epiphany in the (ir)responsible nature of Americans, if that was what you were suggesting. Otherwise, I don't know what exactly you're suggesting.
And you're suggesting that the United States can change its culture and become more responsible as quickly as we can get the age limit changed?

The U.S. doesn't change. I am one of those pessimists that believes that alcohol will always be abused, if not by the masses then by a significant portion. I don't know how one can assume that a reduction in the age limit will spark an epiphany in the (ir)responsible nature of Americans, if that was what you were suggesting. Otherwise, I don't know what exactly you're suggesting.
I'm not saying American teenagers will suddenly become responsible drinkers overnight, but all cultures can change over time. But it's not going to happen if America continues to be prude about it- the view of alcohol as a cool, forbidden drink just makes teenagers want it even more. Besides, my view is that if you're old enough to vote, smoke, have sex, and join the army, you old enough to drink.
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If you can go to war and lose an arm for your country, the least thing your country can do is let you buy a cold beer.

and drinking depends on the person. You cannot lump nationalities together as one person and expect them to have similar patterns when it comes to drinking.

Plenty of people abuse alcohol, I am not disregarding this fact, and Levesque is right when it comes to teenagers. Most are ignorant, dangerous and irresponsible when it comes to their use of alcohol. I would love to pinpoint it on one reason, but I can't. People are individuals. However,The stupid individuals ruin it for the responsible kids as myself.

Lowering the drinking age would clear our prisons for real criminals and relocate the use of tax dollars on useful things such as developing infrastructure instead of putting stupid kids in Juvenile Detention.
I have never been grounded. I got spanked like there was no tomorrow. Same results of wising up, except it's faster and scarier (back then, at least).

My dad actually made a wooden paddle to do it with too. After awhile, all he had to do was pull it out and show it to me, and I'd stop what I was doing.

If you can go to war and lose an arm for your country, the least thing your country can do is let you buy a cold beer.
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I didn't get grounded. When I misbehaved, my dad would sit there and stare at me. The second I said, "What?", he would start lecturing and yelling at me for not taking responsibility. My mom was different. She'd give me guilt trips, going on and on about how other moms didn't have to deal with bad behavior like she did. Oh, if her kids would only listen....

It worked every damn time.
I'm not saying American teenagers will suddenly become responsible drinkers overnight, but all cultures can change over time. But it's not going to happen if America continues to be prude about it- the view of alcohol as a cool, forbidden drink just makes teenagers want it even more. Besides, my view is that if you're old enough to vote, smoke, have sex, and join the army, you old enough to drink.
Who's to say that the age limits for voting, smoking, and joining the army shouldn't be raised?
If you can go to war and lose an arm for your country, the least thing your country can do is let you buy a cold beer.

and drinking depends on the person. You cannot lump nationalities together as one person and expect them to have similar patterns when it comes to drinking.

Plenty of people abuse alcohol, I am not disregarding this fact, and Levesque is right when it comes to teenagers. Most are ignorant, dangerous and irresponsible when it comes to their use of alcohol. I would love to pinpoint it on one reason, but I can't. People are individuals. However,The stupid individuals ruin it for the responsible kids as myself.

Lowering the drinking age would clear our prisons for real criminals and relocate the use of tax dollars on useful things such as developing infrastructure instead of putting stupid kids in Juvenile Detention.
There are millions of different things that we could change to alleviate our national debt or crowded prisons.

The point is that alcohol abuse is (1), as you've already admitted, commonly commited by teenagers, (2) frequently addictive and (3), in all likelihood, eventually the cause of drastic and permanent effects. There is no going back once you have a head-on collision after a night out. You can't serve your prison sentence and have your debt paid to society. You can only hope that you die in that crash as well, because God knows living with the burdon of another's death would be worse than any hell there might be.

And just for future reference, the ones that are adament about ensuring that they're "different" and "not like that" commonly aren't different and are like that. I'm not saying you are, just my opinion.
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So you would have it reduced now under the assumption that making the act of drinking alcohol less criminal would make teenagers less interested in it?
Never got grounded...just got hit by...pans, sticks, bats, belts, shoes, fly swatters, wires, a machete, and other stuff
So you would have it reduced now under the assumption that making the act of drinking alcohol less criminal would make teenagers less interested in it?
Well here in the UK (and most countries in the world outside the Middle East) it's already "less criminal". I think that all adults should have the right to drink what they please as long as they don't harm anyone else, and since 18 is the traditional age of adulthood, that's as good a minimum age limit for alcohol as any. Like Solanky said, don't punish all 18-21 year olds for the actions of a few idiots.