Official Q & A Thread

Don't be greedy then, hook a brotha up with some ditto action, or atleast tell me how the frick you got that to work.


I keep asking about the flame orb deal, and the dammage, ide just like to know. Thanks for bumping meh,
Everyone knows how a Pokemon becomes confused after using the Attack Outrage right? Well, if your Pokemon holds a Persim Berry, it will heal their Confusion, right? And it will work in a WiFi Battle?
klanham08 said:
Everyone knows how a Pokemon becomes confused after using the Attack Outrage right? Well, if your Pokemon holds a Persim Berry, it will heal their Confusion, right? And it will work in a WiFi Battle?
yes... it will work like that too.
klanham08 said:
Everyone knows how a Pokemon becomes confused after using the Attack Outrage right? Well, if your Pokemon holds a Persim Berry, it will heal their Confusion, right? And it will work in a WiFi Battle?

Yes. Any one time use item, held in a wifi battle, pbr, or in the battle tower works and will be their when you go to the next battle.

If I want a calm nature piplup, then, what do I need to do, I mean, I have tried to breed it, but I have never got that nature, I was told that if I put a ditto with calm nature, and give him a everstone, and then breed it with any PKMN, there is a 50% chance that the new piplup will be calm nature.
Is that true?
Arcadium said:

If I want a calm nature piplup, then, what do I need to do, I mean, I have tried to breed it, but I have never got that nature, I was told that if I put a ditto with calm nature, and give him a everstone, and then breed it with any PKMN, there is a 50% chance that the new piplup will be calm nature.
Is that true?
Strype McClaine said:
Two questions.

I keep asking this one and no one seems to answer me on it.
1) How does synchronize work with flame orb and toxic orb? Will it pass it on?

2) How is damage calculated? I been wondering this one for a while...
Since no one answered, I looked for it myself.

I think that works =)

[Answer to number two]
I know this is likely going to be a no...however someone may already know this.

Beyond the one recived in PBR, is their any way to get other pikachus with surf?
The Volt ball only works on pika, and not the more studly hue-ed riachu?

With the volt bal....and a speed nature, a physical pika could almost be possible, cept I would like to find a better nature, and surf, well, its just kinda freaking bad ass on a riachu I would think..
Some were available in events for the GBA games, including maxing out all the boxes in Pokemon Box (GCN), but they couldn't be transferred over to DP because you can't transfer pokemon with HM moves.

So atm, that is the only surfing pikachu in DP.

@Everyone else: you CANNOT breed two Ditto's with eachother.
Tragic, considering I would try to make a special focused chu, just for sake of having one. However once you get your one chu from wont let you have another you gots one shots at the surfer...
The one I just got was with a neutral nature and kinda sad IV's save for speed, actualy had a 27-29 range.
So Im guessing Volt Ball will not give riachu the same bonus, or am I mistaken?

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