Official Mario Strikers Charged General Discussion

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  • #76
I also love this game but if i lose a few matches on cup mode I turn it off, then immediately turn it on again.
There is something about it that makes me want to go on it again....
Note - Online is up again and someone's hacked it already, the hacker has 9990 wins an loses and has 99990 points.
What an IDIOT
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  • #78
dazz159 said:
do any of u have trouble trying to play a ranked game.

No, have you added me yet dazz?
Oh God!!!

I need this game so badly :\

I'm jealous for all of you MSC owners :(

Galaxy will be release in 1st of June in Europe, so I will hold a bit and wait for it, and then I will buy MSC and SMG!!! Awwwwww yeahhhhhh :cool:
hi how does everyone have there router setup, i mean what channel u got it on and other stuff, i cant connect to any games, even with people on my friends list. help plz
It should work
Go back to your Wii menu and delete your connection then search for it again and re-add it. Should work then
Okay, wow, I need to vent this somewhere.

So I still don't have the game. I originally planned to pre-order from because it always appears to be the cheapest option available; however, I went for for Strikers because it offers a 10% student discount, making the overall price £27. Obviously, being a student, I went for this alternative. Additionally, being a student, I have two addresses - my university address and my home address. Since I planned to come home this weekend for other arrangements, I chose to have Strikers posted home and brought my Wii with me so I could play it as soon as possible.

What a mistake. Whereas customers received the game on Thursday, I only received a confirmation of shipment email from HMV on that same day. This was displeasing enough because I knew that with standard postage it wouldn't arrive by Friday, but I decided to bite my lip and be patient and wait until Saturday when I expected it. Still, there was no sight of it that day either, which means that, because of the bank holiday, I have to wait until Tuesday to play the game. As if that wasn't annoying enough, I'm heading back to university on Monday evening which means I have to wait at least another day for the game to be posted to my other address.

So, basically, I'm considerably p*ssed off with HMV. I already sent an angry email of complaint and now I have to wait another three days before I can play the damn game. Think I'm definitely going to stick to in future!
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  • #87
Stalky said:
Okay, wow, I need to vent this somewhere.

So I still don't have the game. I originally planned to pre-order from because it always appears to be the cheapest option available; however, I went for for Strikers because it offers a 10% student discount, making the overall price £27. Obviously, being a student, I went for this alternative. Additionally, being a student, I have two addresses - my university address and my home address. Since I planned to come home this weekend for other arrangements, I chose to have Strikers posted home and brought my Wii with me so I could play it as soon as possible.

What a mistake. Whereas customers received the game on Thursday, I only received a confirmation of shipment email from HMV on that same day. This was displeasing enough because I knew that with standard postage it wouldn't arrive by Friday, but I decided to bite my lip and be patient and wait until Saturday when I expected it. Still, there was no sight of it that day either, which means that, because of the bank holiday, I have to wait until Tuesday to play the game. As if that wasn't annoying enough, I'm heading back to university on Monday evening which means I have to wait at least another day for the game to be posted to my other address.

So, basically, I'm considerably p*ssed off with HMV. I already sent an angry email of complaint and now I have to wait another three days before I can play the damn game. Think I'm definitely going to stick to in future!

I feel for you man. I pre-ordered mine from :)
demonflair said:
Oh God!!!

I need this game so badly :\

I'm jealous for all of you MSC owners :(

Galaxy will be release in 1st of June in Europe, so I will hold a bit and wait for it, and then I will buy MSC and SMG!!! Awwwwww yeahhhhhh :cool:

mario galaxy is relising 1st of june are u sure:yikes:
It's not, theres no way that release date will be kept to and as far as I know it's not a nintendo date anyway - just one the retailers have estimated.
I played Zelda Twilight Princess for the Wii and it was one of the best games I've played in my life. After that Wii games haven't really been that good. I played Sonic And The Secret Rings and that game was TERRIBLE! That Soccer Mario Game video looked okay but I'm only going to buy the games that get good ratings for the Wii next time. Plus I also like the idea that you can download old games on the Wii.
A lie cannot live- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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