Official Mario Strikers Charged General Discussion

I think you'll get it 2moro tbh..

But.. it does usually take 4 days to deliver.. so if it was posted yesterday, then that would be Saturday it comes :/

But you never know, I mean maybe the e-mail was just late or something, but I still think you'll get it 2moro :)
lee.jarratt said:
Around early last week and only yesterday it said that it has been posted, it is posted with recorded delivery. Do you reckon I will get it tomorow or saturday?
you'll most probably get it saturday m8. But however sometimes take longer to deliver than that (they have for me) so it might not be until Monday.
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  • #48
Thanks for that you two, i really hope it comes tomorow but I dont mind if it comes saturday. Monday is stretching it though, i will be so mad, GRRRR
I just got mine!!! <3 GAME is the best to preorder from! :) The game is amazing!!! Online looks good... but hardly anyone is actually on there yet. I'm just doing the cup thingy right noww! With Mario!
Lol ahh it's okay =]

Man I'm jealous!

Hope Jay doesn't see that lol, he'd freak, every day this week he's been asking.. 'you know if I go into game.. and ask them nicely.. ya think they'll give me the game early' :lol:
Controls are kinda easy, though I haven't actually tried to use a weapon thingy (Shells, stars, etc.) Shake the remote to attack... move around with analog, pretty simple! B shoot, A pass, Z does a weird pass... not sure how to use that yet
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  • #57
aw damn, i thought i was the first one to get it :| oh well, celestial, send me your friend code and i will send you mine. later on though, we can have a match :D
lee.jarratt said:
aw damn, i thought i was the first one to get it :| oh well, celestial, send me your friend code and i will send you mine. later on though, we can have a match :D

ah you bastard im getting this tomoz :D
SamuS said:
Yh but that's exactly my point, by the time we get SSBB and MP3, 360 owners will be getting even better games.

No 360 game is better than SSB or Metroid,

And talking about Mario strikers, so its actually worth getting then if you have completed all your current wii games?

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