Official Mario Strikers Charged General Discussion

rishi 20 said:
mario galaxy is relising 1st of june are u sure:yikes:

Yeah I'm sure, I saw it on IGN, they're never wrong... I'm sure it will be release in 1st of June, which is going to be awesome!!! :)
is it just me or is the semi finals and finals alot harder then the group stage, i win my group on crystal cup everytime and cant get the trophy...hmmmph
well yeah that would make sense, as the final is meant to be the hardest, aka the two best teams play for 1st place lol
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Shadow20074 said:
tsk tsk im a man!! i hoped on the bus walked to the shop and bought it myself :D

Well i got mine a day before release and for 30 quid :) Beat that :lol:
Stalky said:
Okay, wow, I need to vent this somewhere.

So I still don't have the game. I originally planned to pre-order from because it always appears to be the cheapest option available; however, I went for for Strikers because it offers a 10% student discount, making the overall price £27. Obviously, being a student, I went for this alternative. Additionally, being a student, I have two addresses - my university address and my home address. Since I planned to come home this weekend for other arrangements, I chose to have Strikers posted home and brought my Wii with me so I could play it as soon as possible.

What a mistake. Whereas customers received the game on Thursday, I only received a confirmation of shipment email from HMV on that same day. This was displeasing enough because I knew that with standard postage it wouldn't arrive by Friday, but I decided to bite my lip and be patient and wait until Saturday when I expected it. Still, there was no sight of it that day either, which means that, because of the bank holiday, I have to wait until Tuesday to play the game. As if that wasn't annoying enough, I'm heading back to university on Monday evening which means I have to wait at least another day for the game to be posted to my other address.

So, basically, I'm considerably p*ssed off with HMV. I already sent an angry email of complaint and now I have to wait another three days before I can play the damn game. Think I'm definitely going to stick to in future!

I learnt HMV suck when i preorder my Wii from there, i used a different billing address from what is on my card and instead of alerting me, they just blocked my HMV account without telling me what i had done wrong (they didnt tell me address was wrong). I had to email them to see what was wrong, betime they told me they cancled my wii it was too late to order a wii for release day. So i got my Wii like 3 Weeks late (from Gamestation in the end).
KageNoBunshin93 said:
I played Sonic And The Secret Rings and that game was TERRIBLE!
I personally really enjoyed that game...
I can't beleive I have to wait until July (I think) until the game is released in the USA. It seems like a game that keeps you going for a long time.
I never got to finish that game... wasn't too bad, but it felt like you didn't have to do much, there wasn't much to it
I'm going to have MSC in Friday, and I'll have the Wii Lan Adapter too, in the same day :D
I'm now waiting for the big day :\
Hope to share my code with all of you, then I'll try to have a match with every single of you :)
Anyone find a Strikers Chrged game save with everything unlocked online?

I'm getting very frustrated trying to beat the Strikers Cup with brick wall and golden feet (I think?) and the last two challenges...

If you've got one with everything unlocked PM me, thanks.

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