Official Mario Strikers Charged General Discussion

has anyone else had an error getting stats screen when trying to connect to nintendo wi-fi central. I only got to play one match and the rest of the time thats what it said
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  • #64
madbeanman said:
has anyone else had an error getting stats screen when trying to connect to nintendo wi-fi central. I only got to play one match and the rest of the time thats what it said

Yeh, most of us have. The servers might be jammed, ninty should be fixing it soon..
Oh my god..this game is amazing.

Who does everyone use online/normaly? Spill the beans!

I'll add everyone when I can peel myself from this game <3
Jay61 said:
Oh my god..this game is amazing.

Who does everyone use online/normaly? Spill the beans!

I'll add everyone when I can peel myself from this game <3

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  • #67
Jay61 said:
Oh my god..this game is amazing.

Who does everyone use online/normaly? Spill the beans!

I'll add everyone when I can peel myself from this game <3

My captain and side-kicks are top secret :)
Lee, Tell us. Im not bothered lol!

Anyways I got on online when I can lol
6 Wins
10 losses
Got 4 losses because I didn't play a single match first, Straight to online
I know LOL
Im out to beat you yet Celestial. Im even better now :)

Hurry up online :(
Tell me when it's fixed
I brought my Wii downstairs [Bigger TV] but I get no connection from down here
Ohh no :( lol I'll have to practise some more!

:eek: Jay's taking my baby bowser! I'll have to be hmmm... bowser maybe
this game is awesome, but if i play it for like 3 hours straight i get more and more frustrated and have to turn it off =\ i think it gets a bit repetetive
but still its awesome!
i use yoshi
dry bones, hammer bro and boo/shy guy

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