Official 'I got a Wii' thread

I got one finally, luckily someone bought it and then traded it in (didn't have the money I guess) and I got it basically brand new but for 20$ off sticker and a 1yr in store warranty (EBgames, not some pawn shop). I lucked out big since they are still impossible to find here AND the local stores jacked the price up this week! They were selling for 270$ plus tax here but are now being advertised at 349$ (if you can even find one). Isn't it nice being gouged? lol

PS I love my wii, once I got the sensor bar sensitivity set the remote is not glitchy. Contrary to other consoles this one will stay fun to play with friends for years down the road because it IS different. A ps3 is just a PS2 with better graphics, and soon it'll be a Ps3 with worse graphics than a PS4 while my Wii is still hilarious and fun to play with my friends :lol: Too many ppl get caught up in shader and pixel counts, somewhere along the line we forgot that maybe it should be about fun and gameplay :)
Well, as for me, I was on the look out. However I was not about to stand in a extra long line and wait in the cold or in a tent or any of the above for a Wii. Though I did want one really bad. I saved all my money up so that when I get the Wii, I could afford all the controlers...the battery chargers and all the games I wanted. So every day I would go to Walmart (which I was there everyday anyway shopping) and check in the electronic section. I never saw one, until one day...**turning off lights and turning on flashlight** It was August 3rd, 2007. As I was walking into the electronic department, I saw a little boy in the electronics dept. checkout with tons of Wii stuff, so you know me, I am just meddling!!! and I saw that he had a Wii, so I check the Wii station area and saw there were 2 left. I was jumping for joy. I jumped in line after the boy so someone could help me out. Right then I bought the Wii...Since then it has been on and poppin'...
I gotz my wii!!!!!
It took me 3 days to get my wii since my uncle owns a Futurshop type store.
I got one today. We sold our XBOX360 with a bunch of stuff, wii (heh) wanted something fun to play with our family... Wii it is! We found it at Target, they JUST got a shipment this morning. Luckily we were running errands and we decided to pick one up.

BTW, are they still hard to find in stock?
I love my Wii since getting it last Sunday. I've had it a week now. I bought Dance Dance Revolution last night but haven't done it yet. I bought Mario Super Party 8 and my nephew came over and we played that but I wasn't any good at whatever we played on there. I still love Bowling the best. But I haven't tried any other sports games but golf once for a couple minutes. And I got Olympics with my package deal need to try it and yesterday I bought Carnival but there are a couple more I want.

But just making Mii's and seeing other Miis while your playing is cool. My friend set 2 Mii's to mingle which we just found out if she sends me a Mii then it won't go to the parade but if she hasn't sent me a certain Mii and it's on mingle I see it in the parade it's cool. I have to make more Mii's now.. But it's a lot of fun to play and people still tell me they can't believe I got one. I kind of want the pinball one and this one with darts, airhockey skiball. Carnival that I have has skiball I think. And my nephew said I should download the internet on there but it's 500 points. He said it used to be free. But I do my laptop on my TV so do I really need to do that? I do want to get Pacman and a couple others off the shopping thing.

Have Fun With Your Wii!!


i just got a wii today. hurrah! i guess i can consider myself pretty lucky seeing as there are people who have been looking for a long time. today was the only day that i set out to buy a wii and i immediately scored one at target.

@batmang:yeah they still are hard to find in stock. we're just real fortunate we decided to buy one on the day that target had wii shipments. yesterday i was at gamestop looking for a game with my brother and there was an old lady who was looking for one. gamestop only had wiis delivered last friday and it sold out immediately.
kaydee09 said:
i just got a wii today. hurrah! i guess i can consider myself pretty lucky seeing as there are people who have been looking for a long time. today was the only day that i set out to buy a wii and i immediately scored one at target.

@batmang:yeah they still are hard to find in stock. we're just real fortunate we decided to buy one on the day that target had wii shipments. yesterday i was at gamestop looking for a game with my brother and there was an old lady who was looking for one. gamestop only had wiis delivered last friday and it sold out immediately.

Wow, I guess we got lucky. We went to Target really early and we saw a bunch of Wii's being unboxed. Lucky for me we just happened to be out getting errands done early. SCORE!
new Wii owners here...Ive been laid off from GM for about 2 weeks now, figured i was gonna go crazy if i didnt do anything. So i knew my wife wanted one. so i called around yesterday around noon. I called best buy nothing, called target nothing. Called the nearest walmart and they got some yesterday but sold out already..called the next nearest walmart about 30 miles away. "yes we just got 8 wiis in stock" but they woundnt hold them, so off like a bat i went..i got there and they still had 5 left. They pulled them out of a brown cardboard box behind the electronics counter..So i got the wii, the charging kit, the nerf kit and Wii play game with the extra remote, which was a waste of money..but its all hooked up to the net the surround sound im tickled to death this lil things pretty neat
HI Just brought a Wii :)
Lookin for friends for my Mii, heres my number


Wii looking forward to making some new friends :)

i found one a couple days ago, btw they are still sold out in the Chicagoland area(tried BestBuy,Circuit City,Wal-Mart,Target,Meijer,EB Games & GameStop). I was persistent on calling every store in the area and Wal-Mart said they were getting them the next morning. Woke up at 7 and there were a few people in line... almost 2 years old and there's still a friggin line!
I got mines on Feburary 9th, 2008 I think. Wal-mart had 9 when I went there. It was 10 am and I had to rush there. When I had gotten there. I think 9 was still there or maybe there was 6 left. I was pretty lucky because that day I had no school and Wal-mart was like empty.
Hey all I'm new and stuff. I finally got one on Sunday after getting up at the crack of dawn with a friend of mine that worked at that particular Target. All is well now.

It's pretty bad when you call into work on a Monday to Wii out all day with your friends that did the same....Score!! Needless to say, it made for a rough Tuesday.

Anyways, I'm here, call me Frosty, it's my tag from the TFM boards. I'm a little older than most but I don't act it. Feel free to ask me about myself. I'm kind of a loose cannon, but that's what keeps things interesting :smilewinkgrin:
Firefrost, feel free to add me to your wii friends, let me know when you have an ill add you my end once youve posted your wii online number :)

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