Official 'I got a Wii' thread

My g/f got me a Wii for Christmas.

My family also kicked in:

- The Bigs baseball game
- Lego Star Wars game
- Super Swing golf game

extra controller & Nunchuk
Controller dock & recharger

i bought 1 for my daughter, but i aint stopped playin it.
Got Mario and Sonic at the Olympics
Maroshi said:
I finally got a Wii on Christmas day. I can't stop playing on it, I love it! I got Wii Sports (obviously), Mario Party 8, Mario Strikers, Super Monkeyball, and The Sims: Castaway.. I love making Mii's too. I've already made 40 lol... Now, I just need to set up Wi-Fi..

Wow congratz dude, Galaxy is fun, let's get back on topic though.
Got one Friday, Dec 28 at Best Buy for my wife's Xmas present. Picked up Wii Play the same day, and just brought home Mario Galaxy today. Having a lot of fun, and glad to be a part of the Wii community.
mastajim05 said:
Got one Friday, Dec 28 at Best Buy for my wife's Xmas present. Picked up Wii Play the same day, and just brought home Mario Galaxy today. Having a lot of fun, and glad to be a part of the Wii community.

Congratz on the Wii purchase, hope you and your wife love it!!
I've had my wii since last christmas
and its in perfect condition
and I play online CONSTANTLY
If you wanna play GH3 or anything else
please add me :yesnod:
BtnJoe said:
i bought 1 for my daughter, but i aint stopped playin it.
Got Mario and Sonic at the Olympics

+1 Rep just for that :lol: you sound like a cool dad.
I got Mario Galaxy on boxing day as well, amazing but so different (fitting for the Wii) not used to playing on completely 4D worlds that are so oddly shaped.
I got a Wii for Christmas!
I got some games too!
Wii Play, Madden 2008, Zelda, COD3, and Mario Galaxies!
I love my Wii!
I am not getting any sleep due to my Wii!
I am too Cool!
I got my wii on Christmas along with Zelda, Mario Galaxy, and Mercury Meltdown and there hasn't been one day that I haven't played it. :]
I got my Wii just before Christmas.
It was given by one of our suppliers as a freebie !! :)
Nice surprise.

Managed to get WiiPlay from ebay, the guy selling it lived around the corner from me !!

Very Happy so far.
I got my Wii....last year (I guess it'd be the year before now.:lol:)
On the 17th of December (2006) to be exact.

After about 15 hours outside of Target, being in first in line, I was able to snag one. Luckily, there wasn't too much snow, especially being in Michigan weather. We got freezing rain instead.:lol:
There were people lining up all night. We even ran into some family.

I picked up 2 games.
Zelda, and Rayman. They didn't have another wiimote, or any nunchuks in stock.
So, ran over to Best Buy. There's a guy taking the last of them. Got to Toys R' Us. Same damn thing.:lol:

Finally, we go to Circuit City, and they have a whole bunch of **** there.
They even have consoles.:yikes:
That means I could have slept in, and just ran over to Circuit City in the morning.

Anyways, got the nunchucks, wiimote, and picked up an SD card.

What a night.

And, ya know.
It felt so good seeing all those bastards who came late not get one.
After trying for the previous 2 weeks being unsuccesful, it felt good.
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