Official 'I got a Wii' thread

whhooooo i gotta wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! with wii sports and Zelda!!!!
I got a WIIIIIIIIIIIII thank you jesus the funny part is that i have benn lokkin for a long time until i got tired so i said forget the wii. when i stop looking i went in walmart to get sum blank cds guess what i saw sitting in the window a wii im still shocked:ee5k:
i just got my wii today in the mail!!!! ordered it from another guy on this board for a solid price!

fedex drove up at 6:30 (half an hour before they stop delivering and after i had been waiting ALL day). they guy got out, opened up the back (there were four things) and pulled out a carpet. He looked at me and goes "robin?" - I'm a guy <_< - and i promptly told him robin lived 6 houses down and gave him my name and address. He looked at me, cussed a little, and SPED down the street. Thank GOD i was there, cause he delivered the wii to my neighbors and i would have gotten a carpet.

never use fedex :p
I found mine on Wednesday in the early evening! I had only been looking for two days, and had probably made 40-60 phone calls around town, trusting electronics employees.

No luck Tuesday. Wednesday I went to a Target near me which Itrackr said recieved stock the day before and still had it. Well, what a surprise, no Wiis, and the guy there said they hadn't gotten any in since last Friday, so to check back in then. I checked some BB's, Targets, and TRUs on my side and the Memorial side of town, no luck, came home and called some Walmarts, fell asleep, and called all but about 2 of the Gamestops near me. Almost all of them said they had recieved shipment but sold out, so I decided to go check stores in Rosenberg. On the way back, I checked the Gamestop I spotted on the way out, and low and behold, the manager told me they had one left. There was a little boy who walked in just ahead of me selling his Xbox and all its games, and as the manager was handing me my reciepts, the boy's dad said, look, she has a Wii. The little boy looked all happy and then his dad told him it was the last one. He got sad and I almost felt like I swiped a Wii from a child, but hey, it wasn't my fault he decided to ask about his games rather than if they even had a Wii in the first place!

Now I have a Wii, but no wisdom teeth (pulled yesterday, that's why I had to find a Wii by the day before!), so I'm still a little tired and can't play. Isn't that amazing, a video game that actually takes some energy!
I was at EBgames and Gamestop and the manager was saying that the accessories are more RARE then the Wii itself. I was laughing so hard when he said that.
If hadn't found wiimotes online at Best Buy this morning, I would have to believe that manager, since I've seen more Wiis that wiimotes/nunchuks.
zelda is on sale at target for 39.99$ last i went in here in NY
First post, got mine 2 days ago after making about 50 or so calls and missing one the day before by about 2 minutes.

Loving - Zelda, Madden, Excite and of course Wii Sports

Not loving - Far Cry, Super Monkey ball

I think I will wait for some new releases before buying any more games.

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