Official 'I got a Wii' thread

well sorry for bothering cuz i know i am.......i have 2 questions........
1. can the wii get virus?
2. how can i add friends to my wii system and wat is a wii number?
plzz answer.........
Hi i dont think the wii can get viruses and to get ur wii number u go on messages, create message, address book and the number is on the first page. you u can add a friend by going on the address book, clicking register, wii and putting in ur friends wii number and then if they put in ur number u are then wii friends.

Wii Online Code: 1847 0713 6872 0106
Wii Username: luke29
luke29 said:
Hi i dont think the wii can get viruses and to get ur wii number u go on messages, create message, address book and the number is on the first page. you u can add a friend by going on the address book, clicking register, wii and putting in ur friends wii number and then if they put in ur number u are then wii friends.

Wii Online Code: 1847 0713 6872 0106
Wii Username: luke29

I am going to add you as a friend
Friend code-2339 8171 8449 3489
i got mine a few days after it came out. got lucky when i walked into toys r us. still cant seem to find a remote though
myke have Wii! I had to eBay to get it but it was worth the effort and little extra cash. This is also my first post. So's it going?
Picked it up at 12:56pm from Gamestop (yes, I got the exact time, it was marked on my cell when I started calling people). Thought the guy working there was just teasing me so I asked if he could at least tell me when they last got a shipment in. Points over to a few boxes and tells me just 5 minutes ago. Friend was late by under a minute, though =/

Funny how everything comes together. If the previous wal-mart I was at didn't have such crappy service I wouldn't have gotten aggrivated and driven fast. If the lines at the drive-thru weren't so long I wouldn't have picked up something to eat first and been too late. Etc.
I never thought i would be able to post in this thread!!! I GOT ONE! how do you connect ethernet cable to it? i cant find slot and I cant play right now because my dad is playing lol.
this is such a silly thread i love it! just when i thought i was the only "nerd" there are so many more out there that have done the same things as me inorder to get one! gosh i feel so much better about myself now! ::self esteem has rose!::

i already posted my wii victory in the indroductions forum but to recap, ill type it again.

went into my neighborhood target in hopes to find a nintendo wii since rumors circulated that "OH TARGET HAS THEM TARGET HAS THEM GO GO GO GO GO MOVE OUT!!" so i got up early one morning with a friend of mine and proceeded to hit them up.

Turns out when we get there, the useless kids (aka "helpful associates") were of NO help and there was an empty display of where the wiis probably were once located.

after leaving target, we went nextdoor into best buy (since bestbuy targets and homedepots are generally within the same shopping centers) to get a PSP game with a 5$ off coupon we had. We showed up at a little before 10 and they werent opend. due to holiday hours, they opened at 10 in the morning not the usual 9 like other retailers.

when we walked in, the sales associate calmy announced that if anyone was looking for a nintendo wii to walk towards the back of the store to media where they were being displayed. about maybe 10 or so people were there that morning as well but they didnt want the wii, they wanted the DS (which i still dont get the draw on that! my psp is SO much better!). almost instantaniously, my friend and i had one in our little hands and skipped merrily (ok we really didnt skip! lol) out the door.

i dont think we've left the house since except to go to work! haha.

so yes, that was my wii story! no one was shot, no one was injured and no animals were harmed lol.
this is such a silly thread i love it! just when i thought i was the only "nerd" there are so many more out there that have done the same things as me inorder to get one! gosh i feel so much better about myself now! ::self esteem has rose!::

i already posted my wii victory in the indroductions forum but to recap, ill type it again.

went into my neighborhood target in hopes to find a nintendo wii since rumors circulated that "OH TARGET HAS THEM TARGET HAS THEM GO GO GO GO GO MOVE OUT!!" so i got up early one morning with a friend of mine and proceeded to hit them up.

Turns out when we get there, the useless kids (aka "helpful associates") were of NO help and there was an empty display of where the wiis probably were once located.

after leaving target, we went nextdoor into best buy (since bestbuy targets and homedepots are generally within the same shopping centers) to get a PSP game with a 5$ off coupon we had. We showed up at a little before 10 and they werent opend. due to holiday hours, they opened at 10 in the morning not the usual 9 like other retailers.

when we walked in, the sales associate calmy announced that if anyone was looking for a nintendo wii to walk towards the back of the store to media where they were being displayed. about maybe 10 or so people were there that morning as well but they didnt want the wii, they wanted the DS (which i still dont get the draw on that! my psp is SO much better!). almost instantaniously, my friend and i had one in our little hands and skipped merrily (ok we really didnt skip! lol) out the door.

i dont think we've left the house since except to go to work! haha.

so yes, that was my wii story! no one was shot, no one was injured and no animals were harmed lol.

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