Novice wireless internet user looking for some wii advice


WiiChat Member
Dec 6, 2006
hi all

i'm hoping to be getting my wii on UK release on friday, but one of the main things that i loved the look of was the internet / shop feature the wii has to offer.

Now as far as i know the wii shall only be wireless on release, and that SHOULD be ok for me seeing as about 5-10 metres away on the same floor is a wireless router :) but i was wondering a few things that maybe some people here could answer because i have never really got into wireless to much (and the DS was a pain for me to get working and i still havent got my wi-fi alive)

1. When i first got this computer i was planning on having wireless. Though for an odd reason i got nearly no signal on the computer with my wireless card. Maybe it could just be a crap card or a bad mix? but i'm guessing the wii should be ok seeing as i can practically see the router from where i am sitting

2. My network has been setup so that not everyone can come along and use it :p bascially it has an access list as far as i know (it wasnt me that set it up so dont ask :D). So when i get my wii, will i have to give it access to my network or should it be allowed to access it and find it no problems?

i'm just a bit worried that (like with the DS for me) the wii shall be too much hassle for me to get working in my house ofr the wireless than its worth

Hope to get some info on it :)

all you need to enter is the SSID of your wireless network into the Wii config and away ya go ... not sure baout any other forms of security like WEP keys and schtuff.
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in case anyone needs to know my router is:

Netgear Wireless ADSL Firewall router: DG834G
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buckyfellini said:
all you need to enter is the SSID of your wireless network into the Wii config and away ya go ... not sure baout any other forms of security like WEP keys and schtuff.

The SSID is the username of my wireless so to speak, right? :)
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ive just had a look on the FAQ at the top and gone thro the list of routers nintendo suggest and mine isnt there

also the 802.11b coverage on my router seems rather small


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