Wii internet simple wireless workaround!!


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2008
I know a lot of people that dont own their own internet, but they use wifi to leech off of unsecured networks (not illegal). So it may be hard for you to get your wii online. I'm gonna tell you what to do and how to get that wii online.

Wireless laptop(internal,or external), Desktop with wifi card or usb
Cat5 Cable
Wireless router.

1. Connect to a wireless access point, or unsecured network of your choice on you pc or laptop.
2. Connect one end of the cat5 cable to your lan port either on you laptop or pc.
3. Connect the other end to port 1-4 on your wireless router.
4. Power up your wireless router.
5. Goto network connections in windows xp, or network and sharing center in vista and click manage network connections.
6.Click and highlight Local area Network, hold control "ctl" and highlight your wireless network connection.
7. Right click Local area Network or Wireless network connection and click bridge connections.
8. Go power up your wii and goto wii options
9. Click wii settings
10. Click internet
11. Click Connection 1
12. Click Wireless
13. Click Search for access point
14. Find your router name and click it. It will then test the connection, and it should be successful.

Now you have access to the shop and the world wide web.

This works for most of my college buddies.

Goodluck have fun!!!!

Also if you dont have a wireless router I have 3 for sale, just hit me up!
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How is using a unsecured access illegal????? Whn you goto a mcdonalds here, they have unsecured wifi for free... When you at certain colleges they offer free unsecured wifi access... So dont say its illegal. Its illegal to crack networks and or hack computers or servers connected to a unsecured network.

Some of you people should seriously think before speaking or typing. I'm not telling anyone to go out and hack a wireless network.

So come on people get some brains and answer questions that you have some kind of knowledge of....:mad5:
cracking a network or using an open network. you're using someone's network whether it's locked or not. it's not yours. your not paying for it. IT'S ILLEGAL!

those places offer it to their customers. you have to be on their grounds to use them/get a good signal. wifi is good for a certain distance. otherwise you cant keep a good solid signal. some of those places charge or requier a membership.

thanks for slamming me you stupid ****! how ****ing old are you?
you're telling people to steal someone elses internet.


'"It's unlawful access", said John Geraty, an officer with the Internet crimes against children unit of the San Francisco Police Department.'



shall i go on?
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How old am I? Your the one making an ass out of yourself by cursing. Why would linksys or any other company release hardware that can go further than the distance, or software that allows you to connect to various networks.

Ever heard of Hi-Gain antennas? Now who in their right mind would carry a higain antenna either a small one or a 15ft pole with them when they go away from home. Or why would they need a 9 + ? DBI higain at their home (maybe they have dialup, or a mcdonalds, friend, unsecure is close by.
I don't think it's illegal unless you're intent is to cause damage. I'm not in any way telling people to cause any damage.

What if someone invents a fresh air machine for their personal area and you walk by and breath in some of this fresh air, did you steal that service without paying for it or did you just take advantage of an intangible resource and didn't hurt anyone in the process.

Bottom line, if you have a WLAN and didn't secure it from unauthorized outside access then you have provided free internet access to those that discovered it was available and shouldn't be mad at those people that made use of your resource. If you don't want to be an impromptu wireless ISP for strangers, secure your WLAN and be done with it.

So therefore I prove my point. No and ifs or buts!!

Also you go owned, smart guy!!!
Swapmii said:
Some of you people should seriously think before speaking or typing. I'm not telling anyone to go out and hack a wireless network.

So come on people get some brains and answer questions that you have some kind of knowledge of....:mad5:

1) i apologize for swaring (was your mommy watching u on the net?). i didnt take kindly to this post...^ i do think before i post. i searched the subject and i posted the truth.

2) i'm not saying you dont know anything about a wireless setup (hi gain)

3) there's these things called laws. whether or not you or i agree with them is irrelavent. illegal means you cannot do such an act. i did not write the law or make up the logic behind it. i'm not here to argue with your. the law is the law. if you get caught breaking the law, you get in trouble/pay a fine.

4) i highly doubt that linksys, dlink, ect. intended on you stealing someone elses internet

5) you proved nothing. you took your illogical logic and made your own laws in your own world. here in the real world, in real countrys, with real laws, stuff like this is illegal.

6) there's a thing called edit. learn how to use it. no need to double post especially since nobody replied within 18hours..

7) you can have an unlocked secure network (ie: MAC filter)

i agree that people are stupid and dont lock their internet. they should have to sign a waiver or something when they purchase a router. identity theft can and does happen and it's easier over an open unlocked signal. the people that have an open unlocked signal should get a fine too imo...

so do you have anything to say now that you know that there IS a law on this and it IS ILLEGAL?

btw.. i'm a little buzzed right now so if you dont understand this, maybe i'll try to help you later to. HORRAY FOR FRIDAY!

ohh.. and you stated that you have "college friends" i assumed you were still in high school. how old are you? 16? 17?
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Swapmii said:
Bottom line, if you have a WLAN and didn't secure it from unauthorized outside access then you have provided free internet access to those that discovered it was available and shouldn't be mad at those people that made use of your resource. If you don't want to be an impromptu wireless ISP for strangers, secure your WLAN and be done with it.

Sorry but your wrong. Unauthorized access is illegal. Whether I have secured my network or not, if you use it without my permission, you can be arrested. Lack of security does not (legally) imply autherization. As far as coffee shops and other WiFi hotspots, typically you are only authorized to use those serivces while on the property as a customer.

Let me ask you, just because you forgot to lock your car at night, does that give me permission to drive it around? I promise I won't damage it in any way.
Or another analogy would be if I left my front door open and went away for a few days, would you be allowed to just go in their and do what you want? Using a wireless internet connection without its owner's permission is completely illegal.
Swapmii said:
Bottom line, if you have a WLAN and didn't secure it from unauthorized outside access then you have provided free internet access to those that discovered it was available and shouldn't be mad at those people that made use of your resource. If you don't want to be an impromptu wireless ISP for strangers, secure your WLAN and be done with it.

So therefore I prove my point. No and ifs or buts!!

You should read some of those links - it's very murky at best - there's a huge "intent" component regarding the owner of the wireless network.

There's not some implied public domain of signal, just because it reaches beyond their property.

Reducing their available bandwidth, therefore, reducing the full product they're paying for, is a simple way to create a value definition. The bandwidth has cost (and value), like any other tangible property (just ask DirecTV).

I've read dozens of articles on this from the brightest folks in tech law, and even they can't reach a consensus. It's definitely much more complex than "if I can nab their signal I can use it". Right now, however, there's not much legal precedent to work with!
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You assume im in highschool? Hmm I can be out of college and still have college friends. No, I'm 28. For one thing most providers supply you with a flat fee for services. You guys must have some crappy isp's where you are if you have to pay for extra bandwidth. I wasnt trying to start a internet fight with anyone :lol: ! I was just trying to help peeps get their wii online... So sorry if I offended anyone... Lock your router down.. I have cox cable but I still like free wifi, I use a DDWRT 150N as a repeater over 1/2 a mile away. I just like challenges and when a unsecured comes around I go for it. You may be arrested for it even though its not actually a law, but hey whos gonna catch me 1/2 mile away.
Connecting to your neighbors Wireless router is not the same as connecting to the WiFi connection at McDonalds. You are comparing apples to oranges. McDonalds is a "Public" WiFi connection and your neighbors is a "Private" WiFi connection.


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