Wireless Network Card - how to make it connect!

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  • #16

A have maded the bride now but it does'nt work, still the same issue. It will find the network but when a run the test it can't find any access point...
I think that all the settings is ok also but the problem must be somewhere... so I don't know...

Please find the solution, maybe someone have a grate idea! :idea:
I'm going crazy! :sad:

Thanks, Greetings Björn
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  • #17
The wired network (internet) is online.
The network bridge is online.
The Wireless network (Wii) is'nt online.

And when a search throught the Wii for a internet connection - it will find the wireless network - but still is the wireless network not online on the computer. It only goes online when example the Pinnacle Digital Media Center connects to it.

Greetings Björn
Do not create a bridge between the public Internet connection and the private network connection. To do so will create an unprotected link between your network and the Internet, and your network will be vulnerable to intrusions.

Again, you need to implement Internet Connection Sharing. Either through a hardware device like the Nintendo WiFi Adapter, or through WindowsXP's software ICS. Again, the URL:

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  • #19

The guide on Microsoft seems good, thanks!
BUT: When I try to share the internet on the first chapter (Letting other networkusers link to the internet throught this network), I get following Error: "An error appeard when the internet-connection-sharing activated - The internet-connection-sharing can't be activated. A LAN-connection is already configurated with the IP-adress that is required for automatic IP-addressing."

Don't know what this means or what to do!
Thanksful for help!

Many Greetings Björn
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  • #20
Hello again!

I notised that I have 3 network connections on my computer:

* 1394-connection (don't know what this is???)
* Connection to local-network (internet throught a router)
* Wireless networkconnection (connection to my Wii and Pinnacle)

The 1394 connection is your firewire port. Firewire ports can be used as network adapters, but is very seldom used.

When you enable ICS, the network adapter connected to the local area network is assigned a static IP address of It sounds like your connection to the Intenet is already using as the gateway, causing a conflict.

Open up the Network Connections applet in the control panel, find the network adapter that is connected to the Internet, and double-click it. Select the "support" tab and note the IP address for the default gateway. If it is, you will need to change the IP address of the router that is serving you the Internet. If you can not change the IP address, then you will need to use a more configurable Internet connection sharing solution such as NAT32.

The problem is, these software solutions will cost the same as a hardware wireless router, so you may be better off going that route. If you decide to use NAT32, instructions for setup are here.
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  • #22

The ip-address that my computer is given by the router is
I can change that ip easy by logging in to the router.
I can't by a wireless network router - my internet comes from a router that is inside another building...

The information that I got in support:


The IP-address that is the real-one that the router has is'nt alike the one my computer gets.

Thanks again!

Greetings Björn
Note the gateway IP address. Listed as That is the IP address of the router that is serving you the Internet. As I stated, you'll have to change this IP address for that router. It will need to be changed to anything other than

The reason why, is when you setup ICS, your computer needs that address. Your computer and the router serving you the Internet can not both be, so the IP address of the router must be changed.
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  • #24

I have changed it to now, and my computer has - the router gives out ip number between
But I get the same ERROR as I did before, does I have to change it so something else, like or does that work?


Greetings Björn
Yes, if you can change the IP range for your Internet connection to 192.168.1.x it should eliminate any conflicts and allow for sharing.
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  • #26

Thanks for all the help ou are giving me!!
I changed the ip on the router now and it worked sharing the internet.
But: When I search after a network on the Wii it find "me" and when I run the Test - the same old Error appears.
The settings that the Wii is getting throught the wireless network is automatic. Shall I put in the values myself?
The guide on microsoft homepage is between two computers and the Wii don't have all those settings...

I found this site but I can't make it work anyway. http://www.homenethelp.com/ics/ics-install-arch.asp
Very very glad if you can solve this!

Thanks, Greetings!
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  • #27
Please look at this!




Since I am currently working, I only skimmed through your screenshots, but at first look everything seems correct.

Is your wireless media device connecting to the WLAN?
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  • #29

No, the Media Center is turned off.
The thing is, when the Media Center is connected to the wireless network it's on, and has no red cross. But when the Wii is "connecting" (searching for a acces point) the wireless network don't connect on the computer, it's still a red cross over it.


Greetings Björn
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  • #30
Hello again!

Don't mean to "spam" the Forum - but is there someone who might know a solution to the problem, all the facts shoud be here in the Thread now!

Thanks, Greetings Björn

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