Wireless Network Card - how to make it connect!

I apologize for not getting back sooner. Real life often takes priority. The only possible thing I can think of is perhaps the Wii does not connect to 802.11g networks. Look in the device manager of your wireless card and see if there is an option to switch the card to 802.11b, or "mixed" mode.

ETA: On further investigation, it looks like the Wii can not connect via 802.11g only. Interesting...
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Hello again!

No problem, I undertand!
I bought the Wii Wireless USB-adapter insteed. I will get in on monday so hopefully I will get it to work then! :)

Thanks, will write if it did!

Have a nice Christmas!

Many Greetings Björn
You might want to try and move the WII closer to whereever your wireless AP is. I've seen this problem where the WII can see the SSID but cannot connect to it since the signal is low.
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Ahh, okey! I will try that before I try the Wii Wireless USB adapter.

Greetings B
Hi everyone!
I tried to make everything, what was written in here, my settings are the same as jvc_man's. I also found a "mixed" mode in the device manager for my Wi-Fi card, but I still get the same errors, any ideas?

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